CSE 154

Section 1: Introductions, HTML, and Getting Started with Git

Today's Agenda


Introduction to web development tools (Atom and your browser)

Getting started with your first CSE 154 Git Repository (CP1)

Review HTML

Instructor Office Hours

Fitz has OHs tomorrow from 3:30 - 4:20pm (right after lecture) in CSE 218

If you are runnning into any issues, have unanswered questions or need any other help you are encouraged to stop by.


<ta>Hello world!</ta>

Setting up your environment

These slides are here for reference to help you set up your environment. There are three main steps you need to complete in order to work on assignments:

  1. Making a directory
  2. Installing a programming environment
  3. Setting up Git for downloading/submitting assignments.

Each step is covered in these walkthroughs (Mac or Windows)

Part I: Creating a directory

You will want to make a directory to store all of your work for this class. This will make it easy to keep track of your repositories.

Once you have Git set up, you will clone your assignment repositories into it to work on them.

Part II: Your Web Programming Environment

To get started with your first website, you need 1) a text editor like Atom and 2) a browser.

You should have Atom installed on your machine. This is what we will be supporting for developing websites over the quarter. Note: if you prefer another editor such as Sublime, VSCode, Vim, etc. you may use it but TA's will not be expected to help with these. Atom has some useful packages you can install, as covered in the tutorial.

Students are expected to use the Chrome browser for this class due to its web development features, as well as accessibility tools that are not supported on other browsers. Note that when browsing the web, you need Internet access. But when writing HTML webpages, you don't!

Part II (Cont.)

Writing HTML and CSS with an editor is similar to writing Java in an IDE like jGrasp or Eclipse, or writing Python on the command line or your Python IDE of choice. Conveniently, we don't need to compile HTML/CSS, and to "run" the code, we just open the HTML page on the browser.

If you prefer another text editor like VisualStudio, Vim, or Emacs, these all work as well (but we won't go into the details for each).

Part III: Getting Git Set Up

Finally, you will want to get git installed on your computer. You can choose between Git in atom, or Git on the command line. As you follow through the relevant guide in the walkthrough, accept and clone your creative project 1 into the directory you set up and you will be ready to work on it!

A note on citing sources

If you use outside resources on creative projects - be it images, code templates, or just for inspiration - you should cite it.

You can cite your sources in the source code by placing a comment with the source above the code/resource, but it is even better practice to cite your sources on the page in a footer.

A failure to cite sources can constitute plagiarism, so if in doubt, please cite!

<!-- Retrieved from https://imgur.com/bleg -->
<img src="puppy.png" alt="A cute pupper" />

HTML Citation Example

Review: HTML to Structure Webpage Content

Remember to read Wednesday's reading (this overview of HTML) if you haven't yet!

Note: These are required to keep up with the course and are a replacement to a course textbook.

Common HTML Tags

There are many different types of HTML tags used to structure web pages (we can't possibly cover all of them within class). We've consolidated a handy slide deck with examples of common tags you should know , but you can find a comprehensive list on MDN (it's a great bookmark page for reference this quarter!)

Exercise: Marking Up a Text File

To familiarize ourselves with HTML, let's use the slide deck linked on the previous slide to give HTML structure to this text file.


  The Rubik's Cube is one of the most fascinating physical puzzles ever made.
  While simple in it's design, they are <em>tough</em> to solve!
<h2>Here are three great things about the Rubik's Cube:</h2>
    Speed-solving a Rubik's Cube is a fun goal to strive towards,
    and you can even participate in competitions!
  <li>The Rubik's Cube comes in a variety of shapes and sizes:
      <li>The 2x2 Rubik's Cube is perfect for introducing puzzles to kids!</li>
      <li>The 3x3 Rubik's Cube is a classic, and has a lot of depth</li>
      <li>The largest solved Rubik's Cube was 17x17, solved in 7.5 hours!</li>
  <li>Novel Rubik's Cube designs make for great desk-toppers!</li>
  If you want to learn how to solve a Rubik's Cube, go to
  <a href="https://www.rubiks.com/how-to-solve-rubiks-cube">this link</a>!


Resource: Command Line Basics

New to the bash terminal? It's just like a text-based alternative to your computer's file-finder GUI, but with a ton of features to edit and run different programs in the same location. Here are some tips for getting around the command line! To learn more, use the handy "down" feature of these slides :)

Moving around the command line

"list" files & directories


"change directory" - changes directory to the given path (relative to the current working directory)

cd [folder-name]
cd [folder-name]

The Current Working Directory

The current working directory refers to the directory your command line is currently targeting.

Any command line commands (including git commands) will apply to the current working directory.

It is often helpful to use ls to check where your current directory is.

Listing files: ls

  • "Lists" files and directories directly inside the current working directory
  • Use in conjunction with cd to navigate your filesystem in the command line

Changing directories: cd

cd can be used with relative paths (assuming "folder-name" is a child of the current working directory)...

cd [folder-name]

...or with absolute paths

cd C:\windows\system32

Windows Commandd Prompt

cd ~/Documents/cse154/cp1-html-css/

Bash Terminal (Git Bash, Mac/Unix Bash)

Can use cd to move up one directory

cd ..

Resource: Basic CSE 154 Git Workflow Summary

  1. Make a copy of the repository locally
  2. Edit code locally (e.g. writing HTML/CSS with Atom text editor)
  3. Publish your changes on the repository online (remote repository)
    1. Add
    2. Commit
    3. Push

Clone a repository

Copy the URL of the repository on GitLab

Screenshot of cloning a GitLab repository

Clone a repository (continued)

Use ls and cd to navigate to the directory where you want to store your Git repositories (e.g. cse154/assignments/), then type:

git clone [repository-path]

Bash Terminal

This creates a copy of the repository in your current working directory. You will one have repository per assignment.

Publishing changes

The following commands need to be executed inside the repository folder that you cloned every time you want to update the repository online.

  1. Add
  2. Commit
  3. Push

Click each link or press the down key to learn more about each step!

git add

git add [filename]

Bash Terminal

Specifies changed files for the next commit.

To add multiple specific files:

git add [file1] [file2] [etc...]

Bash Terminal

To add everything in the current directory:

git add .

Bash Terminal

git commit

git commit -m "descriptive message"

Bash Terminal

Commits your added changes with a descriptive commit message (local to your computer until next push)

git push

git push origin master

Bash Terminal

Updates your online Git repository with all of your committed changes (internet required)

Parallels to the Git GUI in Atom

Git GUI in Atom

Summary of Git Commands

Command Description
git clone [link to repository] Download a local copy of a Git repository
git add [filename] Proposes changes to be committed
git commit -m "message" Commits changes locally with a descriptive message
git push Pushes to remote (online) repository