Allen School Colloquia on Accessibility Thursday 3:30-4:20, EEB 105
Exploration session Thursday on web security
Announcing HW 5 - Pokedex 2, will be released Tuesday
Accessing SQL from PHP
Take a moment to review the 4 slides below
in general and
an example
To connect to a database you need 4-5 pieces of information
In PHP we then create a PDO
object to represent the database connection.
# Variables for connections to the database.
$host = 'localhost'; #fill in with server name
$port = '' #fill in with a port if necessary (will be different mac/pc)
$dbname = 'Potluck'; #fill in with db name
$user = 'root'; #fill in with user name
$password = ''; #fill in with password (will be different mac/pc)
# Make a data source string that will be used in creating the PDO object
$ds = "mysql:host={$host}:{$port};dbname={$dbname};charset=utf8";
# connect to the Potluck database and set some attributes
$db = new PDO($ds, $user, $password);
PHP (example)
To find find out what to use with phpMyAdmin, check out the MAMP WebStart page. For other systems you have to do searching on the web.
Database connections can have different problems: the database server could be down, the database could be missing or corrupted
helps us catch and
identify when errors occur so we can handle the error correctly
try {
# things to try that could throw an error
catch (PDOException $ex) {
# code for handling the error here.
PHP (template)
try {
$db = new PDO($ds, $user, $password);
catch (PDOException $ex) {
header("HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid Request");
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
die("Can not connect to the database. Please try again later.");
PHP (example)
$host = 'localhost';
$port = '3306';
$user = 'root';
$password = '';
$dbname = 'Potluck';
$ds = "mysql:host={$host}:{$port};" .
try {
$db = new PDO($ds, $user, $password);
print ("2");
catch (PDOException $ex) {
print ("3");
print ("4");
Once you have the PDO
object, you can use it to
query the database.
$rows = $db->query("SQL query string"); # fill in the query string
PHP (template)
$rows = $db->query("SELECT * FROM Potluck;");
foreach($rows as $row){
print_r($row) . "\n";
PHP (example)
PDO object's query function returns a PDOStatement object that contains the rows that match a query
Array ([id] => 1 [0] => 1 ...)
Array ([id] => 2 [0] => 2 ...)
$db = new PDO($ds, $user, $password);
$rows = $db->query("SELECT * FROM Potluck;");
# kaboom!
Using setAttribute
, you can tell PDO to throw (generate) a
when an error occurs.
The exceptions will appear as error messages on the page output.
You can catch the exception to gracefully handle the error.
Each row from the output is an associative array both with the column names AND positional indices as the default.
Array ( [id] => 1 [0] => 1
[name] => Lauren [1] => Lauren
[dish] => Paleo Apple Tart [2] => Paleo Apple Tart
[serves] => 8 [3] => 8
[temperature] => cold [4] => cold)
Array ( [id] => 2 [0] => 2
[name] => Stephen [1] => Stephen
[dish] => Balsamic Brussels Sprouts
[2] => Balsamic Brussels Sprouts
[serves] => 8 [3] => 8
[temperature] => hot [4] => hot )
simulated printed output
The query
returns a PDOStatement
To get the data out of the rows you either use a foreach
loop OR
you can fetchAll
to get all information from the statement
will only get one row, whatever is "next" in the PDO object)
is the default fetch style, but there are others
$db = new PDO($ds, $user, $password);
$rows = $db->query("SELECT * FROM Potluck LIMIT 1;");
$row = $rows->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
print_r($row); # Just get the first row
Array ( [id] => 1
[name] => Lauren
[dish] => Paleo Apple Tart
[serves] => 8
[temperature] => cold)
simulated printed output
Each assume $rows
contains the results of a query
# PDO::FETCH_BOTH is the default, results are associative and numerical
while ($row = $rows->fetch()) {
print_r($row) . "\n";
# PDO::FETCH_ASSOC only fetches the associative array
while ($row = $rows->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
print_r($row) . "\n";
# PDO::FETCH_NUM only fetches by position
while ($row = $rows->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
print_r($row) . "\n";
Remember... With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
$str = "INSERT INTO todos (task_name, due_date, task_type)
VALUES ('{$task}', NOW(), '{$task_type}');";
$rows = $db->exec($str);
PHP (example)
runs the given SQL code and returns the number of rows affected.
It's vulnerable to SQL injection (demo)
for security
$sql = "INSERT INTO Potluck (name, dish, serves, temperature, comment)
VALUES (:name, :dish, :serves, :temp, :comment );";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$params = array("name" => $_POST["name"],
"dish" => $_POST["dish"],
"serves" => $_POST["serves"],
"temp" => $_POST["temperature"],
"comment" => $_POST["comment"]);
PHP (example)
The "variables" with colons in the SQL statement are replaced with
values from the associative array that is being passed in on