Lecture 15 - Cookies

And localStorage, sessionStorage, indexDB and Dexie....


Exploration sessions (none this week, Websockets next week)

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Lab tomorrow...

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Quick check

HTTP and State

HTTP is a stateless protocol; it simply allows a browser to request a single document from a web server

Once the document has been sent to the client, the server does not keep track of any information about what was sent (other than maybe in a log file of the transaction).

Stateful client/server interaction

Sites like amazon.com seem to "know who I am." How do they do this? How does a client uniquely identify itself to a server, and how does the server provide specific content to each client?

When has this happened to you? What sites were involved?

Today we'll learn some technologies that are used to store "state" on your client machine.

  • Sometimes state is kept simply to aid in the user experience.
  • Sometimes state is passed back to the server from the client... and sometimes that happens when you least expect it.

What is a cookie?

  • cookie: a small amount of information stored within the computer browser
  • cookies have many uses:
    • authentication
    • user tracking
    • maintaining user preferences, shopping carts, etc.

A "tracking cookie"

  • an advertising company can put a cookie on your machine when you visit one site, and see it when you visit another site that also uses that advertising company
  • therefore they can tell that the same person (you) visited both sites
  • can be thwarted by telling your browser not to accept "third-party cookies"

Ever changing web

New privacy laws in Europe (GDPR) are making website owners rethink using cookies

updated GDPR notice example

How cookies are set and retrieved

  • Client side (JavaScript):
    • JavaScript commands can set and retrieved using document.cookie
  • Server Side (PHP):
    • When the browser requests a page, the server may send back a cookie(s) with it to store on the client
    • If your server has previously sent any cookies to the browser, the browser will send them back on subsequent requests to remind the server who is connecting to it.

Facts about cookies

  • Cookies are only data, not program code.
  • Cookies can have set expiration dates.
  • Cookies help websites remember who you are (and if you are logged in).
  • Cookies CAN be used to track your viewing habits on a particular site.

Cookies in JavaScript: setting

  • To set a cookie use document.cookie = cookieString;
  • cookieString consists of 3 semicolon separated parts (the second two are optional):
    • name / value pair. E.g., "lastItemBought=apples"
    • expiration date (by default when browser closed). E.g., "expires=Thu, 23 May 2018 12:00:00 UTC"
    • Path where cookie belongs (default is current page). E.g., "path=/"
  • If you set a cookie where the name already has a value, the old value gets overwritten.
document.cookie = "lastItemBought=apples; " +
    "expires=Thu, 23 May 2018 12:00:00 UTC; " +

JavaScript (example)

Cookies in JavaScript: Retrieving

  • To get a cookie use let cookies = document.cookie;
  • This will return a semicolon separated list of all current name=value pairs
    E.g., "lastItemBought=apples; numberSiteVisitsToday=57"
  • You have to retrieve the values from the string by parsing yourself.

Cookies in JavaScript: Clearing

To delete a cookie you need to set it's expiration time to be before now

document.cookie = name + '=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';

JavaScript (example)

Cookies Recap

  • ...delicious, particularly with chocolate chips.
  • ...are a way to store information or the state of your website.
  • ...can be set so they expire after a time, or after you close the page.
  • ...are kind of a pain to retreive, if there are many cookies that are set already.
  • ...they only allow up to only 4 KB of data storage.
  • ...they can be used by malicious sites to "spy" on browsing behavior.

localStorage and sessionStorage

localStorage and sessionStorage

storage doors

From Wikipedia

localStorage is a document property that allows you to save information across browser sessions (i.e after you close the browser)

sessionStorage is a document property that allows you to save information for this session only, and will be cleared when the page is closed.

Both localStorage and sessionStorage inherit from Storage class.

Name/value pairs (seen in cookies and Storage) are supported by most every browser


There are three methods we're interested in from Storage

method description
setItem(keyName, keyValue) Sets the keyName location in localStorage to be keyValue
getItem(keyName) Retrieves the keyValue in localStorage associated with keyName
removeItem(keyName) Removes the keyName location in localStorage

localStorage example

window.localStorage.setItem("Melissa", "Mowgli");
window.localStorage.setItem("Lauren", "Spot");
window.localStorage.setItem("Jacki", "Moss");
let bestPet = window.localStorage.getItem("Lauren");

JavaScript (example)

before closing the browser tab

localStorage before example

after closing the browser tab

localStorage after example

sessionStorage example

Similarly for sessionStorage

window.sessionStorage.setItem("Melissa", "Mowgli");
window.sessionStorage.setItem("Lauren", "Spot");
window.sessionStorage.setItem("Jacki", "Moss");
let bestPet = window.sessionStorage.getItem("Lauren");

JavaScript (example)

before closing the browser tab

sessionStorage before example

after closing the browser tab

sessionStorage after example



cookies, localStorage, sessionStorage can only store small amounts of data

indexDB is a "a low-level API for client-side storage of significant amounts of structured data, including files/blobs"

Look down through the slides if you want to know more...

indexDB usage

There are many flavors types of indexDB - so apparently you have to cover your bases with creating the database for your page:

// This works on all devices/browsers, and uses
// IndexedDBShim as a final fallback
let indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB ||
                window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB ||
// Open (or create) the database
let openDB = indexedDB.open(<dbname>, <version>);

JavaScript (template)

// This works on all devices/browsers,
// and uses IndexedDBShim as a final fallback
let indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB ||
                window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB ||
// Open (or create) the database
let openDB = indexedDB.open("terms", 1);

JavaScript (example)

indexDB usage

You need to set callbacks on the new database object, so once the database is created, the tables (schema) can be created.

openDB.onupgradeneeded = function() {
  let db = openDB.result;
  let store = db.createObjectStore("terms", {keyPath: "term"});
  let index = store.createIndex("definition", "definition", { unique: false });
openDB.onsuccess = function() {
  console.log("Database created!");

JavaScript (example)

indexDB setting values

// Start a new transaction
let db = openDB.result;
let tx = db.transaction("terms", "readwrite");
let store = tx.objectStore("terms");
let index = store.index("definition");

// get the term and definition from the user

store.put({key: userTerm, definition: userDef});

// Close the db when the transaction is done
tx.oncomplete = function() {

JavaScript (example)

indexDB getting values

// assume the variable term has been set
let getValue = store.get(term);

getValue.onsuccess = function() {

getValue.onerror = function() {
  // error handling here

JavaScript (example)

Phew... that was a lot of work. And confusing too

Dexie to the rescue


Dexie is a wrapper around indexDB that makes it MUCH easier to use.

// create the database (module global)
let db = new Dexie(<name of database>);
window.onload = function() {
  // set up the schema
    // this is the table with the columns that are to be indexed.
    <tableName>: '<column1>, <column2>...'

JavaScript (template)

let db = new Dexie("definitions");
window.onload = function() {
  // set up the schema
    terms: 'term,definition'

JavaScript (example)

Dexie put

Putting an item in a table is pretty straight forward:

db.<tableName>.put({"column1": <value1>, "column2": <value2>, ...});

JavaScript (template)

db.terms.put({"term": term, "definition": definition});

JavaScript (example)

Dexie get

There are two ways to get information back out of a table, using either a callback, or a Promise

// get with a callback
db.<tableName>.get(<key>, function (item) {
  // do something here
// get with a Promise.
db.<tableName>.get(<key>).then (function (item) {
  // do something here

JavaScript (template)

db.terms.get(term, function (item) {
  console.log("Callback: Item at " + term + " is " + item.definition);

db.terms.get(term).then (function (item) {
  console.log("Promise: Item at " + term + " is " + item.definition);

JavaScript (example)


The one issue with all of these newer technologies (localStorage, sessionStorage, indexDB, and frameworks like Dexie) is cross browser compatibilty

What Web Can Do Today (Try this in different browsers or on your phone)

Roadmap of Web Applications on Mobile

Can I use - "provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers."

Post lecture quick check