This is from a previous quarter. For our current quarter please
go here.
[9-26] Welcome to CSE 154! To get ready for the quarter, please review the syllabus
sections on this course website.
[9-26] Curious on how to succeed in this
course? Our wonderful CSE 154 TA's have all created their own "About Me" pages
to pass along tips and strategies for students this quarter. Check them out
under each TA profile photo!
[10-31] Our final exam will be in Johnson 102 on
Tuesday 12/11 from 2:30-4:20pm. In order to
arrange seating we need to know who requires left handed seating. Please fill out this
survey by November 7th
if you do.
[11-5] Important date: Tuesday, November 13: Last day to change to or from S/NS grade
option; last day to drop courses using Annual Drop.
[11-5] Websockets exploration session this week on Thursday November 8, 5-6:20pm
[12-9] We will have a final exam review session on Monday, Dec. 10th in EEB 105
General information
Lecture Time: MWF 2:30-3:20pm
Lecture Location: Johnson Hall 102
Midterm exam: October 26th, 5:15-6:15PM (KANE 110)
Note: Please come by 5 to
get settled in so we're ready to start at 5:15 without distractions)