Home Indentation and Spacing in HTML


Spacing and indentation should be consistent throughout your code. Many developers choose to use 4-space or 2-space indentation. In HTML, each nested tag should be indented exactly once inside of its parent tag.

Here is an example of bad indentation in HTML:

<p>I am a paragraph!

  <p>I am another paragraph!

I am a heading inside of a paragraph!

Here are some examples of good indentation in HTML:

<p>I am a paragraph!</p>

  I am another paragraph!
    I am a heading inside of a paragraph!

Place a line break after every block element. Do not place more than one block element on the same line.

<!-- bad -->
<p>Hello, how are you</p> <p>I am fine</p>
<!-- good -->
<p>Hellow, how are you</p>
<p>I am fine</p>

Nesting Tags

Close tags in the opposite order in which they were opened.

Always nest every inline element inside of a block element.
(For example, don't just put an <a> tag directly inside the body; instead, place it inside a p or li or other block-level element.

Line Formatting

Long Lines

We permit long lines, but never begin a block element past character index 100 on a given line. When any line is longer than 100 characters and you need to begin a new block lelement, break it into two lines.

Blank Lines

Place a blank line between sections of the page and between large elements contain a lot of content. You should not have more than one blank line in a row.

You should not use <br /> for the purpose of adding verticle spacing between elements. This tag is used solely for line breaks within a paragraph, and you should not use more than one in a row.

<p>Hello, how are you</p>
<br /> <!-- line breaks should not be placed outside of <p> tags -->
<p>I am fine</p>

<br /> <br /> <!-- you should not have two or more line breaks in a row -->
how are you</p>
<p>I am fine</p>
<p>Hello, <br /> 
how are you</p>


  • Spacing in Tags

    Do not place whitespace between a tag's < brace and the element name.

    < p >
  • Spacing in Self-Closing Tags

    End self-closing tags with a space, followed by />.

    <br />