
Many web sites like Google, Flickr, and Facebook allow you to access their data as text and JSON. For this lab we will use Ajax to access data from Urban Dictionary, a web list of slang and social terminology. (NOTE: Some content on Urban Dictionary may be considered offensive.)

expected output

Info about Urban Dictionary

We have created a service urban.php that serves Urban Dictionary content. Pass it a term parameter, and it outputs the term's definition as text. For example, for the term "API":

The service returns an HTTP error 410 if the term is not found.

We're providing you the urban.html file for a page to search Urban Dictionary. Download it to your machine; you will not need to modify it. Write JavaScript code in a file urban.js.

Exercise 1: alert 'fnord' definition (~10-15 min)

Write JavaScript code so that when a user clicks "Search", the definition of "fnord" appears as an alert.

expected output

Recall: Making an Ajax request

See Course Slides

Exercise 2: Any word's first definition (~5-10 min)

Modify your code so that the definition of the word typed in the text box (not always "fnord") is displayed.

<div id="controls">
  Term: <input type="text" id="term" />
        <button id="lookup">Lookup</button>
<div id="result">  <!-- definition should go here -->  </div>

expected output

Exercise 3: Display all definitions from JSON (~20 min)

Our Urban Dictionary lookup service can also send data in JSON format. The JSON data can return multiple definitions, and each definition comes with an example usage and the author's name. To get JSON data, pass our service a parameter all, set to true. The following is an example call and its output:

  "entries": [
      "definition": "API = application programming interface\r\n\r\nAn API is a series of functions that programs can use to make the operating system do their dirty work. Using Windows APIs, for example, a program can open windows, files, and message boxes--as well as perform more complicated tasks--by passing a single instruction. Windows has several classes of APIs that deal with telephony, messaging, and other issues.",
      "permalink": "http:\/\/api.urbanup.com\/689981",
      "thumbs_up": 290,
      "author": "Nathanmx",
      "word": "API",
      "defid": 689981,
      "current_vote": "",
      "example": "Windows uses an api called the Win32 API.  You can access many command via the command prompt. Start >> Run >> Type in \"command\" or \"cmd\"",
      "thumbs_down": 46
      "definition": "Active pharmaceutical ingredient. The part of a drug that causes the effect.",
      "permalink": "http:\/\/api.urbanup.com\/5114162",
      "thumbs_up": 17,
      "author": "Wolfy_",
      "word": "API",
      "defid": 5114162,
      "current_vote": "",
      "example": "The API of aspirine is acetylsalicylic acid.",
      "thumbs_down": 22
      "definition": "A underground rapper that even does a few Nu-Metal songs about life, God, or exposing cops or other hypocrites for the cowards they are. Raps or sings about whatever the heck he wants to with a interesting way of talking.",
      "permalink": "http:\/\/api.urbanup.com\/7170332",
      "thumbs_up": 8,
      "author": "Rhonda_Lloyd",
      "word": "Api",
      "defid": 7170332,
      "current_vote": "",
      "example": "Guy 1: \"Yo, have you heard Api Berlitz on Youtube?\"\n\nGuy 2: \"Fuh sho, kid's got talent. Hope he gets far.\"",
      "thumbs_down": 16
      "definition": "Adaptive Pie Interface. Used by various sites to interact with their pie [servers]. Urban Dictionary, for example, has created APIs so that developers with no pie servers of their own my serve pies to customers at low rates.",
      "permalink": "http:\/\/api.urbanup.com\/2650554",
      "thumbs_up": 53,
      "author": "Tyler Menezes",
      "word": "API",
      "defid": 2650554,
      "current_vote": "",
      "example": "$urb = new Urban::API;\r\n$urb->ServePie('me');\r\n$urb->ThankYou();\r\n$bill = $urn->I'llTakeTheBill;\r\ntry{\r\n$bill->pay();\r\n}or{\r\nRUNAWAY();\r\n}",
      "thumbs_down": 61
      "definition": "Skin cream made from beeswax",
      "permalink": "http:\/\/apis.urbanup.com\/2757449",
      "thumbs_up": 7,
      "author": "Jeff  Bendfeld",
      "word": "Apis",
      "defid": 2757449,
      "current_vote": "",
      "example": "Feel the refreshing difference and use apis to sooth your nasty sunburn",
      "thumbs_down": 14

Exercise 3, details

expected output

Modify your code to display each of the definitions of the word:

Exercise 4: all definitions by an author (~20 min)

Our Urban Dictionary lookup service can also send data in JSON format that lists all terms for which there is a definition submitted by a given author. To get this data, instead of term, pass our service a parameter author, set to the username of the author of interest. The following is an example call and its output:

  "author": "silly_walk",
  "dictionary": "Urban Dictionary",
  "entries": [
      "word": "ATM",
      "defid": "825904"
      "word": "moog",
      "defid": "815030"
      "word": "OMC",
      "defid": "1012620"
      "word": "OFC",
      "defid": "1012612"
      "word": "lizington",
      "defid": "1007190"
      "word": "Gary-Stu",
      "defid": "1012625"
  "school": "University of Washington",
  "timestamp": "Wed 2017 Apr 26, 2:08:36 am"

Exercise 4, details

expected output
<div id="related">
    <h2>All entries by silly_walk</h2>
    <p>ATM, moog, OMC, OFC</p>

Bonus Exercises: Tidy up; loading animation

If you finish all of the previous exercises, do some additional work to make the page more robust:


Solution (JS)

Runnable Solution