CSE 154

Lecture 2: HTML and CSS

Today's Agenda

Finish HTML tags

Start CSS

Website Organization:

Content and Structure: HTML

Style: CSS

Behavior: JavaScript

Structure of an HTML Page

                <!DOCTYPE html>
                    information about the page
                    page contents


The <head> tag describes the page and the <body> tag contains the page's content

An HTML page is saved into a file ending with extension .html

The DOCTYPE tag tells the browser to interpret our page's code as HTML5, the lastest/greatest version of the language

Page Title: <title>

                Chapter 2: HTML Basics


Placed within the <head> of the page

Displayed in the web browser's title bar and when bookmarking the page, otherwise not visible to the user as page content

Paragraph: <p>

paragraphs of text (block)

You're not your job. You're not how much money you make in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the content of your wallet. You're not your khakis. You're not the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.


You're not your job. You're not how much money you make in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the content of your wallet. You're not your khakis. You're not the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.


Placed in the body of the page

More paragraph examples

Headings: <h1>, <h2>, ..., <h6>

headings to separate major areas of the page (block)


University of Whoville

Department of Computer Science

Sponsored by Micro$oft


University of Whoville

Department of Computer Science

Sponsored by Micro$oft


More heading examples

<header> and <footer>

<header> tags usually contain one or more <h1-6> elements, maybe a logo, and authorship information

<footer> tags might contain site map links, authorship information, copyright information, etc.

more html elements
...maybe some other stuff...
more html elements


These tags are both block elements

Note: not to be confused with the <head> tag, the <header> is designed to contain headings for a document.

<article> and <section>

The <article> tag is a standalone piece of content (eg, entire blog post, including title, author, etc) (block)

The <section> tag is a piece of content that doesn't make sense on its own (a chapter, paragraph, etc) (block)

Whitaker's resume:



... </section> <section>


... </section> <section>


... </section>


Horizontal rule: <hr>

a horizontal line to visually separate sections of a page (block)


First paragraph

<hr />

Second paragraph


Third paragraph


First paragraph

Second paragraph

Third paragraph


This is the first example we've seen of a void (self-closing) tag: more on HTML Element types

Links: <a>

links, or "anchors", to other pages (inline)


Search for it on Google!


Search for it on Google!


Uses the href attribute to specify the destination URL

  • Can be absolute (to another web site) or relative (to another page on this site)

Anchors are inline elements; must be placed in a block element such as <p> or <h1>

More About HTML Tags

Some tags can contain additional information calledattributes

  • Syntax:
    <element attribute="value" attribute="value"> content </element>
  • Example:
    <a href="page2.html">Next page</a>

Some tags don't contain content and can be opened and closed in one tag

  • Syntax:
    <element attribute="value" attribute="value" />
  • Example:
    <br />, <hr />, <br>, <hr>
  • Example:
    <img src="bunny.jpg" alt="pic from Easter" />
  • Note: whether you use the '/' in a self-closing tag is up to you, as long as you're consistent

Block and Inline Elements (explanation)


Block elements contain an entire large region of content

  • Examples: paragraphs, lists, table cells
  • The browser places a margin of whitespace between block elements for separation

Inline elements affect a small amount of content

  • Examples: bold text, code fragments, images
  • The browser allows many inline elements to appear on the same line
  • Must be nested inside a block element

You knew there were going to be rules and exceptions...

Block vs. inline:

  • Some block elements can contain only other block elements: <body>, <form>
  • <p> tags can contain only inline elements and plain text
  • Some block elements can contain either: <div>, <li>

Some elements are only allowed to contain certain other elements:

  • <ul> is only allowed to contain <li>

Some elements are only allowed once per document:

  • <html>
  • <body>
  • <head>
  • <main>

Images: <img>

Inserts a graphical image into the page (inline)

Koalified koala


Koalified koala


The src attribute specifies the image URL

HTML5 also requires an alt attribute describing the image, which improves accessibility for users who can't otherwise see it

More About Images

                  <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koala/">
                    <img src="images/irrelephant.jpg" alt="Irrelephant elephant" 
                         title="dumbo!" />


Irrelephant elephant


If placed in an <a> anchor tag, the image becomes a link

What's the title attribute?

  • title attribute is an optional tooltip (on ANY element)
  • BUT the title attribute doesn't always work well for mobile and accessibility, so its usage and future are debated

Line Break: <br />

forces a line break in the middle of a block element (inline)


The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.


The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.


Warning: Don't over-use br (guideline: >= 2 in a row is bad, better to not use any)

br tags should not be used to separate paragraphs or used multiple times in a row to create spacing

Phrase elements : <em>, <strong>

em: emphasized text (usually rendered in italic)
strong: strongly emphasized text (usually rendered in bold)

HTML is really, REALLY fun!


HTML is really, REALLY fun!


As usual, the tags must be properly nested for a valid page

Nesting Tags

<p> HTML is <em>really, <strong>REALLY</em> lots of</strong> fun! </p>

HTML (bad)

<p> HTML is <em>really</em>, <strong>REALLY</strong> lots of</strong> fun! </p>

HTML (good)

Tags must be correctly nested

  • A closing tag must match the most recently opened tag

The browser may render it correctly anyway, but it is invalid HTML

  • How would we get the above effect in a valid way?

Comments: <!-- ... -->

comments to document your HTML file or "comment out" text

        <!-- My web page, by Suzy Student
             CSE 190 D, Spring 2048       -->
        <p>CSE courses are <!-- NOT --> a lot of fun!</p>


CSE courses are a lot of fun!


Many web pages are not thoroughly commented (or at all)

Still useful at top of page and for disabling code

Comments cannot be nested and cannot contain a --

Do not leave commented-out HTML code in your homework assignments!

Web Standards

It is important to write proper HTML code and follow proper syntax

Why use valid HTML and web standards?

  • More rigid and structured language
  • More interoperable across different web browsers
  • More likely that our pages will display correctly in the future
  • Can be interchanged with other XML data: SVG (graphics), MathML, MusicML, etc.

W3C HTML Validator







Checks your HTML code to make sure it follows the official HTML syntax

More picky than the browser, which may render bad HTML correctly

Unordered List: <ul>, <li>

ul represents a bulleted list of items (block)
li represents a single item within the list (block)

  • No shoes
  • No shirt
  • No problem


  • No shoes
  • No shirt
  • No problem


More About Unordered Lists

A list can contain other lists:

  • Simpsons:
    • Homer
    • Marge
  • Family Guy:
    • Peter
    • Lois


  • Simpsons:
    • Homer
    • Marge
  • Family Guy:
    • Peter
    • Lois


Ordered List: <ol>

ol represents a numbered list of items (block)


RIAA business model:

  • Sue customers
  • ???
  • Profit!
  • </ol>


    RIAA business model:

    1. Sue customers
    2. ???
    3. Profit!


    We can make lists with letters or Roman numerals using CSS (later)

    Definition list: <dl>, <dt>, <dd>

    dl represents a list of definitions of terms (block)
    dt represents each term, and dd its definition

    one who does not have mad skills
    to soundly defeat (e.g. I owned that newbie!)
    a kill in a shooting game


    one who does not have mad skills
    to soundly defeat (e.g. I owned that newbie!)
    a kill in a shooting game


    Quotations: <blockquote>

    a quotation (block)


    As Lincoln said in his famous Gettysburg Address:

    Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.


    As Lincoln said in his famous Gettysburg Address:

    Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.


    Inline quotations: <q>

    a short quotation (inline)

    Quoth the Raven, Nevermore.


    Why not just write the following?

    <p>Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."</p>

    We don't use " marks for two reasons:

    1. HTML shouldn't contain literal quotation mark characters; they should be written as &quot;
    2. Using <q> allows us to apply CSS styles to quotations (seen later)

    HTML Character Entities

    a way of representing any Unicode character within a web page

    < >&lt; &gt;
    é è ñ&eacute; &egrave; &ntilde;
    ™ ©&trade; &copy;
    π δ Δ&pi; &delta; &Delta;
    " &&quot; &amp;

    HTML-encoding text

        &lt;a href=&quot;http://google.com/search?q=marty&amp;ie=utf-8&quot;&gt;
            Search Google for Marty


    <p> <a href="http://google.com/search?q=marty&ie=utf-8"> Search Google for Marty </a> </p>


    To display the link text in a web page, its special characters must be encoded as shown above

    Deletions and insertions: <del>, <ins>

    content that should be considered deleted or added to the document (inline)


    Final Exam Midterm is on Aug 29 Apr 17.


    Final Exam Midterm is on Aug 29 Apr 17.


    Abbreviations: <abbr>

    an abbreviation, acronym, or slang term (inline)


    Safe divers always remember to check their SCUBA gear.


    Safe divers always remember to check their SCUBA gear.


    Computer Code: <code>

    a short section of computer code (usually shown in a fixed-width font)


    The ul and ol tags make lists.


    The ul and ol tags make lists.


    Preformatted Text: <pre>

    a large section of pre-formatted text (block)

                             Steve Jobs speaks loudly
                                reality distortion
                               Apple fans bow down


             Steve Jobs speaks loudly
                reality distortion
               Apple fans bow down


    Displayed with exactly the whitespace / line breaks given in the text

    Shown in a fixed-width font by default

    How would it look if we had instead enclosed it in code tags?

    Web Page Metadata: <meta>

    information about your page (for a browser, search engine, etc.)



    Placed in the head section of your HTML page

    meta tags often have both the name and content attributes

    • Some meta tags use the http-equiv attribute instead of name
    • The meta tag with charset attribute indicates language/character encodings

    Using a meta tag Content-Type stops validator "tentatively valid" warnings

    Favorites icon ("favicon")

                    <link href="filename" type="MIME type" rel="shortcut icon" />

    HTML (template)

                    <link href="yahoo.gif" type="image/gif" rel="shortcut icon" />

    HTML (example)

    favicon favicon

    The link tag, placed in the head section, attaches another file to the page

    • In this case, an icon to be placed in the browser title bar and bookmarks

    Note for IE6: Doesn't work; must put a file favicon.ico in the root of the web server (info)

    Website organization:

    Content and Structure: HTML

    Style: CSS

    Behavior: JavaScript

    The Bad Way to Produce Styles

      <font face="Arial">Welcome to Greasy Joe's.</font>
      You will <b>never</b>, <i>ever</i>, <u>EVER</u> beat 
      <font size="+4" color="red">OUR</font> prices!


    Welcome to Greasy Joe's. You will never, ever, EVER beat OUR prices!


    Tags such as b, i, u and font are discouraged in strict HTML

    • Why is this bad?

    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): <link>

                  <link type="text/css" href="filename" rel="stylesheet" />

    HTML (template)

                  <link type="text/css" href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" />

    HTML (example)

    CSS describes the appearance and layout of information on a web page (as opposed to HTML, which describes the content)

    Can be embedded in HTML or placed into separate .css file (preferred)

    Basic CSS Rule Syntax

                selector {
                  property: value;
                  property: value;
                  property: value;

    CSS (template)

                p {
                  color: red;
                  font-family: sans-serif;

    CSS (example)

    A CSS file consists of one or more rules

    A rule selector specifies HTML element(s) and applies style properties

    • A selector of * selects all elements

    CSS Properties for Colors

                  p {
                    color: red;
                    background-color: yellow;


    This paragraph uses the style above.


    color color of an element's text
    background-color background color that will appear behind the element

    Specifying Colors

                p { color: red }
                h2 { color: rgb(128, 0, 196); }
                h4 { color: #FF8800; }


    This paragraph uses the first style above

    This h2 uses the second style above

    This h4 uses the third style above


    Color names: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, yellow

    RGB codes: red, green, and blue values from 0 (none) to 255 (full)

    Hex codes: RGB values in base-16 from 00 (0, none) to FF (255, full)

    CSS Properties for Fonts

    font-family which font will be used
    font-size how large the letters will be drawn
    font-style used to enable/disable italic style
    font-weight used to enable/disable bold style
    Complete list of font properties


                p {
                  font-family: Georgia;
                h4 {
                  font-famiy: "Courier New";


    This paragraph uses the first style above

    This h4 uses the second style above


    Enclose multi-world font names in quotes

    More about font-family

                p {
                  font-family: Garamond, "Times New Roman", serif;


    This paragraph uses the above style


    Can specifiy multiple fonts from highest to lowest priority

    Generic font names:

    • serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace

    If the first font is not found on the user's computer, the next is tried

    Generally should specify similar fonts

    Placing a generic font name at the end of your font-family value ensures that every computer will use a valid font


                p { 
                  font-size: 14pt;


    This paragraph uses the above style



    • Pixels (px) - e.g., 16px
    • Point (pt) - e.g., 16pt
    • m-size (em) - e.g., 1.16em

    Vague font sizes: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, smaller, larger,

    Percentage font sizes: 90%, 120%

    font-weight, font-style

                p {
                  font-weight: bold; 
                  font-style: italic; 


    This paragraph uses the above style


    Either of the above can be set to normal to turn them off (e.g., headings)

    Body Styles

                body {
                  font-size: 16pt; 


    To apply a style to the entire body of your page, write a selector for the body (saves you from manually applying a style to each element)

    CSS Comments: /* ... */

                /* This is a comment.
                   It can span many lines in a CSS file. */
                p {
                  color: red;
                  background-color: aqua;


    CSS (like HTML) is usually not commented as much as code such as Java

    The // single-line comment is NOT supported in CSS

    The <-- ... --> HTML comment is also NOT supported in CSS

    Grouping Styles

              p, h1, h2 {
                color: green;
              h2 {
                background-color: yellow;


    This paragraph uses the above style.

    This h2 uses the above styles


    A style can select multiple elements separated by commas

    The individual elements can also have their own styles (like h2 above)

    Styles that Conflict

              body { color: green; }
              p, h1, h2 { color: blue; font-style: italic; }
              h2 { color: red; background-color: yellow; }


    This paragraph uses the first style above

    This heading uses both styles above


    When two styles set conflicting values for the same property, the latter style takes precedence

    (later we will learn about more specific styles that can override more general styles)

    W3C CSS Validator

                <a target="_blank" href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/">
                  <img src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss"
                       alt="Valid CSS!" />


    Valid CSS!


    Checks your CSS to make sure it meets the official CSS specifications

    More picky than the web browser, which may render malformed CSS correctly

    More CSS Properties!

    CSS properties for text

    text-align alignment of text within its element
    text-decoration decorations such as underlining
    text-indent indents the first letter of each paragraph
    text-shadow a colored shadow near an existing piece of text (CSS3)
    line-height, word-spacing, letter-spacing gaps between the various portions of the text
    Complete list of text properties


                blockquote { text-align: justify; }
                h2 { text-align: center; }


    The Emperor's Quote

    [TO LUKE SKYWALKER] The alliance... will die. As will your friends. Good, I can feel your anger. I am unarmed. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete.


    Can be left, right, center, or justify (which widens all full lines of the element so that they occupy its entire width)


                p { text-decoration: underline; }


    This paragraph uses the style above


    Can also be overline, line through, blink or none

    Effects can be combined:

                p { text-decoration: overline underline; }


    This paragraph uses the style above



                p { 
                  font-weight: bold; 
                  text-shadow: -2px 5px gray;


    This paragraph uses the style above


    shadow is specified as an X-offset, a Y-offset, or an optional color

    The list-style-type property

                ol { list-style-type: lower-roman; }


    Possible values:

    • none: No marker
    • disc (default), circle, square
    • decimal: 1, 2, 3, etc.
    • decimal-leading-zero: 01, 02, 03, etc.
    • lower-roman: i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.
    • upper-roman: I, II, III, IV, V, etc.
    • lower-alpha: a, b, c, d, e, etc.
    • upper-alpha: A, B, C, D, E, etc.
    • lower-greek: alpha, beta, gamma, etc.
    • others: hebrew, armenian, georgian, cjk-ideographic, hiragana, katakana, hiragena-iroha, katakana-iroha

    CSS properties for Backgrounds

    background-color color to fill background
    background-image image to place in background
    background-position placement of background image within element
    background-repeat how background image should be repeated
    background-attachment whether background image scrolls with page
    background-size how large the background appears behind the element
    background shorthand to set all backgroud properties
    More background properties


                body { 
                  background-image: url("paw.jpg");


    This is the first paragraph

    This is the second paragraph...
    It occupies 2 lines


    Background image/color fills the element's content area


                body { 
                  background-image: url("paw.jpg");
                  background-repeat: repeat-y;


    This is the first paragraph

    This is the second paragraph...
    It occupies 2 lines


    Can be repeat (default), repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat


                body { 
                  background-image: url("paw.jpg");
                  background-repeat: no-repeat;
                  background-position: 370px 20px;


    This is the first paragraph

    This is the second paragraph...
    It occupies 2 lines


    Value consists of two tokens, each of which can be top, left, right, bottom, center, a percentage, or a length value in px, pt, etc.

    Value can be negative to shift left/up by a given amount

    Embedding style sheets: <style> (BAD)

                  <style type="text/css">
                    p { font-family: sans-serif; color: red; }
                    h2 { background-color: yellow; }


    CSS code can be embedded within the head of an HTML file

    This is bad style; DO NOT DO THIS (why?)

    Inline styles: the style attribute (BAD)

                <p style="font-family: sans-serif; color: red"> 
                This is a paragraph</p> 


    This is a paragraph


    Higher precedence than embedded or linked styles

    Used for one-time overrides and styling a particular element

    This is bad style; DO NOT DO THIS (why?)

    Content vs. Presentation

    HTML is for content; what is on the page (heading; list; code; etc.)

    CSS is for presentation; how to isplay the page (bold; centered; 20px margin, etc.)

    Keeping content separate from presentation is a very important web design principle

    If the HTML contains no styles, its entire appearance can be changed by swapping .css files

    See also: CSS Zen Garden

    Cascading Style Sheets

    It's called Cascading Style Sheets because the properties of an element cascade together in this order:

    1. Browser's default styles (reference)
    2. External style sheets (in a <link> tag)
    3. Internal style sheets (in a <style> tag in the page header)
    4. Inline style (the style attribute of an HTML element)

    Inheriting styles (explanation)

                body { font-family: sans-serif; background-color: yellow; }
                p { color: red; background-color: aqua; }
                a { text-decoration: overline underline; }
                h2 { font-weight: bold; text-align: center; }


    This is a heading.

    A styled paragraph. Previous slides are available on the web site.

    • a bulleted list


    When multiple styles apply to an element, they are inherited

    A more tightly-matching rule can override a more general inherited rule

    Not all properties are inherited (notice link's color above)

    CSS pseudo-classes

                a:link    { color: #FF0000; } /* unvisited link */
                a:visited { color: #00FF00; } /* visited link */
                a:hover   { color: #FF00FF; } /* mouse over link */


    :active an activated or selected element
    :focus an element that has the keyboard focus
    :hover an element that has the mouse over it
    :link a link that has not been visited
    :visited a link that has already been visited
    :first-letter the first letter of text inside an element
    :first-line the first line of text inside an element
    :first-child an element that is the first one to appear inside another
    :nth-child(N) applies to every Nth child of a given parent