University of Washington, CSE 154
Section 12: Practice Final Exam Problems

section problems by Sylvia Tashev, Brian Le, and several UW student volunteers

Today we will solve some practice problems similar to the problems that will be on our final exam. Try these out first using paper and pencil!


  1. HTML / CSS Interpretation

    Draw a picture of how the following HTML and CSS code will look when the browser renders it onscreen. Indicate a background coloring by shading lightly or by drawing repeated diagonal lines like this. Draw the image geneva.jpg as a smiley face occupying roughly 20% of the page width.


    <h1>Baby Geneva's Web Page</h1>
    <div id="notice">
        <img src="geneva.jpg" alt="Geneva" />
        What is your name?
        <input type="text" size="20" value="Geneva" />
        <span class="notice">(Mine is cuter!)</span>
    <p class="notice">I <br /> am <br /> 15 <br /> months <br /> old</p>
    <p class="notice">
        My <br /> favorite <br /> toy <br /> is <br /> your <br /> cell phone
    <h2>(written by Geneva, May 2008)</h2>


    h1, .notice {
        text-align: center;
        border: 2px solid black;
    h2 { clear: both; }
    h2, #notice {
        border-top: 1px dashed black;
        border-bottom: 1px dashed black;
    p.notice {
        border: 2px solid black;
        float: right;
        width: 10%;
    #notice .notice {
        text-decoration: underline;

    Baby Geneva's Web Page

    Geneva What is your name? (Mine is cuter!)


    cell phone

    (written by Geneva, May 2008)

  2. HTML / CSS - Apples:

    Write HTML (just what's in the body) and CSS code to reproduce the following page:

    This is what the Apples page should look like.

    The following are details about the appearance of the page:

    <div id="main">
            <q>An apple a day keeps the doctor away!</q><br />
            <a href=""><img src="greenapples.jpg" alt="apple" /></a>
    <div id="about">
        <h2>Some types of apples:</h2>
            <li>Red delicious</li>
            <li class="special">Golden delicious</li>
            <li>Granny Smith</li>
            <li class="special">Crabapple</li>
            <li>Gala apple</li>
            <li class="special">Red Rome apple</li>
            <li>Ginger gold</li>
            <li class="special">Fuji apple</li>
        <h2>Other apples:</h2>
            <dt>Apple iPod</dt>
            <dd>This apple is poisonous.</dd>
            <dt>Steve Jobs</dt>
            <dd>The tallest apple.</dd>
    h1, h2 {
        color: green;
        font-family: "Garamond", serif;
    img {
        width: 250px;
        border: 0px;
    q {
        font-style: italic;
    dt {
        font-weight: bold;
    #about, #main {
        float: left;
        padding: 20px;
    #about {
        background-color: #99cc99;
        border: 2px outset green;
    .special {
        font-size: 120%;
        color: white;
  3. PHP - Image Gallery Search:

    The following HTML snippet is the skeleton of a simple search page for an image gallery.

    <h1>Image Gallery Search<h1>
    <form action="search.php" method="get">
            Type a query:
            <input type="text" name="query" /> <br />
            <input type="submit" value="Search" />

    Write a PHP program called search.php to implement the searching feature. An image is considered a "match" to the search string if the name of the image contains the entirety of the search string. For example, a query of "tea" might match "tea.jpg" or "steamboat.jpg".

    You should output an unordered list of links to all matches. A blank query should return no results. The gallery stores all of its images in a directory called images. You may assume there are only image files in the images directory. The search should be case-insensitive and you should eliminate the whitespace surrounding a query before processing it.

    Here is a ZIP gallery of images you can use to test your program.

        $BASE_URL = "images/";
        if (isset($_REQUEST["query"]) && $_REQUEST["query"]) {
            $query = trim($_REQUEST["query"]);
            $images = glob($BASE_URL . "*$query*");
            if (count($images) > 0) {
                    foreach ($images as $img) {
                            <li><a href="<?= $img ?>"><?= basename($img) ?></a></li>
  4. JavaScript - Flower Garden:

    Write the necessary JavaScript code garden.js for the functionality of the following page:

    This is what the Flower Garden page looks like.

    This page allows the user to plant a number of flower patches in their garden.
    // Prototype version of solution
    document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
        $("plant").observe("click", plant);
        $("clear").observe("click", clear);
    // adds flower patches to the garden (randomly picking daffodils or roses)
    // the count of how many is taken from the text box
    function plant() {
        var count = $("count").value;
        for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            var patch = document.createElement("img");
            // pick random flower patch
            var n = Math.random().round();
            var type = "daffodils";
            if (n == 1) {
                type = "roses";
            patch.src = type + ".jpg";
            patch.alt = type;
    // removes all the flower patches so we can start planting again!
    function clear() {
        var patches = $$("#garden img");
        for (var i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) {
  5. Ajax/JavaScript - Music Search:

    Write the necessary JavaScript code for the Ajax functionality of the following page.

    This is what the Music page looks like.

    This page allows the user to search for songs. You are given access to a web service music.php. To use the service, you may send in a query parameter named term. The service will then return all of the songs that contain the search term in the following XML format.

    If you send the empty string "", the service will return a list of all songs.

        <song genre="Pop" duration="3:48">
            <title>Dance Like Michael Jackson</title>
            <artist>The Far East Movement</artist>
        <song genre="Soundtrack" duration="3:11">
            <title>Aaj Ki Raat</title>
            <artist>A. R. Rahman</artist>
            <album>Slumdog Millionaire</album>
    You will need to parse the XML to display all the songs returned to the page.

    Here is a runnable solution.

    // Prototype version of solution
    document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
        $("search").observe("click", search);
    // makes an ajax request to the server for the list of songs that satisfy the given query
    function search() {
        new Ajax.Request("music.php?term=" + $("query").value, {
            method: "get",
            onSuccess: showList,
    // puts the results into the page
    function showList(ajax) {
        // clear previous results, if any
        $("results").innerHTML = "";
        // display song data
        var songs = ajax.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("song");
        for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
            var title = songs[i].getElementsByTagName("title")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
            var artist = songs[i].getElementsByTagName("artist")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
            var duration = songs[i].getAttribute("duration");
            var song = document.createElement("p");
            song.innerHTML = title + " - " + artist + " - " + duration;
        if (songs.length == 0) {
            $("results").innerHTML = "no results";
  6. Regular Expressions

    1. Write a regular expression to select City, state abbreviation.


    2. Write a regular expression match musical notes. Notes are represented by capitol letters A-G inclusive. Notes can be sharp (followed by #), flat (followed by f) or natural (either followed by n or by nothing at all). You can have any multiple of 4 number of notes with a minimum of 4.


    3. Write a regular expression to validate a basic email address. The email address should have at least one letter or number, an at sign (@), at least one more letter, number, dot or dash and then 2, 3 or 4 letters.


    1. /^.+, [A-Z][A-Z]$/
    2. /^(([ABCDEFG](|#|f|n)){4})+$/
    3. /^[A-Za-z0-9]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/
  7. Valid HTML Valid CSS