Exercise : All Grades

List all names of all students who were given a B- or better in any class, along with the name of the class(es) and the (B- or better) grade(s) they got. Arrange them by the student's name in ABC order. (JOIN) Expected results:

| name     | name                  | grade |
| Bart     | Computer Science 142  | B-    |
| Lisa     | Computer Science 190M | A+    |
| Lisa     | Computer Science 143  | A+    |
| Milhouse | Computer Science 142  | B+    |
| Ralph    | Computer Science 143  | B     |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Exercise Solution

SELECT s.name, c.name, g.grade
FROM students s
JOIN grades g ON g.student_id = s.id
JOIN courses c ON c.id = g.course_id
WHERE g.grade <= 'B-'
ORDER BY s.name;