Recall: Regular expressions in PHP

function description
preg_match(regex, string) returns TRUE if string matches regex
preg_replace(regex, replacement, string) returns a new string with all substrings that match regex replaced by replacement
preg_split(regex, string) returns an array of strings from given string broken apart using given regex as delimiter (like explode but more powerful)

Exercise : Regex Images (by Jamie Pell)

The code for images.php displays all icon JPG images in the images/ folder. Modify it using regular expressions so that it will display only image file namess that match each of the following patterns: (sample solution)

screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot (example output)

Exercise Solution

$folder = "images";
$images = glob("$folder/*.jpg");

$regex = "/abbath/i";       # contain "abbath", case insensitive

foreach ($images as $image) {
	if (preg_match($regex, $image)) {
		<img src="<?= $image ?>" alt="an awesome picture" />

# begin with "abbath" and end with "cat", "dog", or "sheep"
# $regex = "/^$folder\/abbath(.*)(dog|cat|sheep).jpg$/";  
# $regex = "/[0-9].jpg$/";   # end in a number
# $regex = "/^[ab]{4}/i";    # start with 4 As/Bs