[an error occurred while processing this directive] CSE 190 M Section 5

This section focuses on composing SQL queries, creating PHP programs that make MySQL queries, and outputting tabular data.

  1. world Database (long)
  2. simpsons Database (long)
  3. City Searcher
  4. Languages of Continents

1. world Database (long)

Write an SQL query to answer each of the following questions. Recall the world database:

countries Other columns: region, surface_area, life_expectancy, gnp_old, local_name, government_form, capital, code2
code name continent independence_year population gnp head_of_state ...
AFG Afghanistan Asia 1919 22720000 5976.0 Mohammad Omar ...
NLD Netherlands Europe 1581 15864000 371362.0 Beatrix ...
id name country_code district population
3793New YorkUSANew York8008278
1Los AngelesUSACalifornia3694820
  1. What languages are spoken in the United States (country_code 'USA')? Show the language and the percentage. Order by percentage from largest to smallest.
    SELECT language, percentage
    FROM languages
    WHERE country_code = 'USA'
    ORDER BY percentage DESC;
  2. List all of the official languages spoken around the world in alphabetical order.
    SELECT language, percentage
    FROM languages
    WHERE country_code = 'USA'
    ORDER BY percentage DESC;
  3. What country/countries use English as their exclusive language? (Hint: Use the percentage.)
    SELECT country_code, language
    FROM languages
    WHERE percentage = 100
    AND language = 'English';
  4. List the names of all countries in Antarctica.
    SELECT name 
    FROM countries
    WHERE continent = 'Antarctica';
  5. What countries have a life expectancy of 78 years or more? List the county names and life expectancies, sorted by greatest to least life expectancy.
    SELECT name, life_expectancy
    FROM countries
    WHERE life_expectancy >= 78
    ORDER BY life_expectancy DESC;
  6. List all continents and all regions within them. Make it easy to see regions for each contient.
    SELECT DISTINCT continent, region
    FROM countries
    ORDER BY continent, region;
  7. Which countries received their independence before 0 AD? Show both the name and the year. (Hint: BC years are negative values.)
    SELECT name, independence_year
    FROM countries
    WHERE independence_year < 0;
  8. Which countries have the same local name as their official name? Show them in sorted order.
    SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE name = local_name
    ORDER BY name;
  9. What countries have the word Republic as part of their name?
    SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE name LIKE '%Republic%';
  10. What countries have a monarchy as their form of government?
    SELECT DISTINCT name, government_form
    FROM countries
    WHERE government_form LIKE '%monarchy%'
    ORDER BY government_form, name;
  11. List all countries that are not in Africa.
    SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE continent != 'Africa';
  12. List all countries in Europe, Oceania, and Antarctica, sorted by continent.
    SELECT continent, name
    FROM countries
    WHERE continent IN ('Europe', 'Oceania', 'Antarctica')
    ORDER BY continent, name;
  13. Which countries have a GNP between $10,000 AND $50,000?
    SELECT name, gnp
    FROM countries
    WHERE gnp BETWEEN 10000 AND 50000;
  14. List the countries whose names start with either A or B.
    SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE name LIKE 'A%' OR name LIKE 'B%';
  15. Which countries have the densest population (population divided by surface area)? Show the densest ones at the top.
    SELECT name, population, surface_area,
         population / surface_area as population_density
    FROM countries
    ORDER BY population_density DESC;
  16. List the full names of all countries where German is spoken as an official language. Do this as a single query. (JOIN) Expected results:
    | name          |
    | Belgium       |
    | Austria       |
    | Liechtenstein |
    | Luxembourg    |
    | Germany       |
    | Switzerland   |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    SELECT c.name
    FROM countries c
    JOIN languages l on l.country_code = c.code
    WHERE l.language = 'English' AND l.official = 'T';
  17. List the full names of all countries that contain at least 2 cities of at least 5,000,000 people. Do this as a single query. (JOIN) Expected results:
    | name     |
    | Brazil   |
    | India    |
    | China    |
    | Pakistan |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    FROM countries c
    JOIN cities ci1 ON ci1.country_code = c.code
    JOIN cities ci2 ON ci2.country_code = c.code
    WHERE ci1.id < ci2.id AND ci1.population >= 5000000 AND ci2.population >= 5000000;

problem by Sylvia Tashev and Stefanie Hatcher


  1. SELECT language, percentage
    FROM languages
    WHERE country_code = 'USA'
    ORDER BY percentage DESC;
  2. SELECT language, percentage
    FROM languages
    WHERE country_code = 'USA'
    ORDER BY percentage DESC;
  3. SELECT country_code, language
    FROM languages
    WHERE percentage = 100
    AND language = 'English';
  4. SELECT name 
    FROM countries
    WHERE continent = 'Antarctica';
  5. SELECT name, life_expectancy
    FROM countries
    WHERE life_expectancy >= 78
    ORDER BY life_expectancy DESC;
  6. SELECT DISTINCT continent, region
    FROM countries
    ORDER BY continent, region;
  7. SELECT name, independence_year
    FROM countries
    WHERE independence_year < 0;
  8. SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE name = local_name
    ORDER BY name;
  9. SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE name LIKE '%Republic%';
  10. SELECT DISTINCT name, government_form
    FROM countries
    WHERE government_form LIKE '%monarchy%'
    ORDER BY government_form, name;
  11. SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE continent != 'Africa';
  12. SELECT continent, name
    FROM countries
    WHERE continent IN ('Europe', 'Oceania', 'Antarctica')
    ORDER BY continent, name;
  13. SELECT name, gnp
    FROM countries
    WHERE gnp BETWEEN 10000 AND 50000;
  14. SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE name LIKE 'A%' OR name LIKE 'B%';
  15. SELECT name, population, surface_area,
         population / surface_area as population_density
    FROM countries
    ORDER BY population_density DESC;
  16. SELECT c.name
    FROM countries c
    JOIN languages l on l.country_code = c.code
    WHERE l.language = 'English' AND l.official = 'T';
  17. SELECT DISTINCT c.name
    FROM countries c
    JOIN cities ci1 ON ci1.country_code = c.code
    JOIN cities ci2 ON ci2.country_code = c.code
    WHERE ci1.id < ci2.id AND ci1.population >= 5000000 AND ci2.population >= 5000000;

2. simpsons Database (long)

Write an SQL query to answer each of the following questions. Recall the simpsons database:

10001Computer Science 1421234
10002Computer Science 1435678
10003Computer Science 190M9012
10004Informatics 1001234
  1. List all grades where a student was given a B- or better. Expected results:
    | grade |
    | B-    |
    | B+    |
    | A+    |
    | A+    |
    | B     |
    | A+    |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    SELECT grade 
    FROM grades 
    WHERE grade <= 'B-';
  2. List all of the grades given in the course Computer Science 143. Do this as a single query and do not hard-code 143's ID number in the query. (JOIN) Expected results:
    | grade |
    | C     |
    | A+    |
    | D-    |
    | B     |
    | A+    |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    SELECT g.grade
    FROM grades g
    JOIN courses c ON c.id = g.course_id
    WHERE c.name = 'Computer Science 143';
  3. Modify your previous query to list the names and grades of all students that took Computer Science 143 and got a B- or better. Do this as a single query and do not hard-code 143's ID number in the query. (JOIN) Expected results:
    | name         | grade |
    | Lisa         | A+    |
    | Ralph        | B     |
    | Kellylololol | A+    |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    SELECT DISTINCT s.name, g.grade
    FROM students s
    JOIN grades g ON g.student_id = s.id
    JOIN courses c ON c.id = g.course_id
    WHERE c.name = 'Computer Science 143' AND g.grade <= 'B-';
  4. List all names of all students who were given a B- or better in any class, along with the name of the class(es) and the (B- or better) grade(s) they got. Arrange them by the student's name in ABC order. (JOIN) Expected results:
    | name         | name                  | grade |
    | Bart         | Computer Science 142  | B-    |
    | Kellylololol | Computer Science 143  | A+    |
    | Lisa         | Computer Science 190M | A+    |
    | Lisa         | Computer Science 143  | A+    |
    | Milhouse     | Computer Science 142  | B+    |
    | Ralph        | Computer Science 143  | B     |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    SELECT s.name, c.name, g.grade
    FROM students s
    JOIN grades g ON g.student_id = s.id
    JOIN courses c ON c.id = g.course_id
    WHERE g.grade <= 'B-'
    ORDER BY s.name;
  5. List the names of all courses that have been taken by 2 or more students. Do this as a single query and do not hard-code any ID numbers in the query. Don't show duplicates. (JOIN) Expected results:
    | name                 |
    | Computer Science 142 |
    | Computer Science 143 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    FROM courses c
    JOIN grades g1 ON g1.course_id = c.id
    JOIN students s1 ON g1.student_id = s1.id
    JOIN grades g2 ON g2.course_id = c.id
    JOIN students s2 ON g2.student_id = s2.id
    WHERE s1.id < s2.id;

problem by Sylvia Tashev and Stefanie Hatcher


  1. SELECT grade 
    FROM grades 
    WHERE grade <= 'B-';
  2. SELECT g.grade
    FROM grades g
    JOIN courses c ON c.id = g.course_id
    WHERE c.name = 'Computer Science 143';
  3. SELECT DISTINCT s.name, g.grade
    FROM students s
    JOIN grades g ON g.student_id = s.id
    JOIN courses c ON c.id = g.course_id
    WHERE c.name = 'Computer Science 143' AND g.grade <= 'B-';
  4. SELECT s.name, c.name, g.grade
    FROM students s
    JOIN grades g ON g.student_id = s.id
    JOIN courses c ON c.id = g.course_id
    WHERE g.grade <= 'B-'
    ORDER BY s.name;
    FROM courses c
    JOIN grades g1 ON g1.course_id = c.id
    JOIN students s1 ON g1.student_id = s1.id
    JOIN grades g2 ON g2.course_id = c.id
    JOIN students s2 ON g2.student_id = s2.id
    WHERE s1.id < s2.id;

3. City Searcher:

Let's write a page that displays the result of a query in PHP. Start from the following files:

cities.php (initial HTML/CSS code):

<!DOCTYPE html>
   CSE 190M, Spring 2009, Marty Stepp
   Section 9: Queries

     <title>City Searcher</title>
     <link href="http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/cse190m/09sp/labs/section9-query/solution/cities.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

         <img src="http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/cse190m/09sp/labs/section9-query/solution/banner.gif" alt="City Searcher" />

         Choose a country, and we will show you its largest cities.

      <form action="response.php">
         <select name="countrycode">
            <option value=""> FILL ME WITH DATA! </option>

         <select name="count">
            <option value="3">top 3</option>
            <option value="5">top 5</option>
            <option value="10">top 10</option>
         <input type="submit" />

Click the following image to run our sample solution (solution source code):

problem by Sylvia Tashev and Stefanie Hatcher



<!DOCTYPE html>
   CSE 190M, Section 9: Queries

     <title>City Searcher</title>
     <link href="cities.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

         <img src="banner.gif" alt="City Searcher" />

         Choose a country, and we will show you its largest cities.

      <form action="response.php">
         <select name="countrycode">

            $results = do_query("SELECT name, code FROM countries ORDER BY name;");
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {

               <option value="<?= $row['code'] ?>"> <?= $row['name'] ?> </option>



         <select name="count">
            <option value="3">top 3</option>
            <option value="5">top 5</option>
            <option value="10">top 10</option>
         <input type="submit" />



# check for query params
if (!isset($_REQUEST["countrycode"])) {
   header("HTTP/1.1 400 Illegal Request");
   die("Error: no country code specified");
if (!isset($_REQUEST["count"])) {
   header("HTTP/1.1 400 Illegal Request");
   die("Error: no count specified");

$country_code = $_REQUEST["countrycode"];
$count = (int) $_REQUEST["count"];

$query = "SELECT name, population
          FROM cities
          WHERE country_code = '$country_code'
          ORDER BY population DESC
          LIMIT $count;";
$results = do_query($query);

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>City Searcher - Results</title>
     <link href="cities.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

      <h1> Top <?= $count ?> Biggest Cities </h1>
            <th>City</th> <th>Population</th>
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {

               <td> <?= $row["name"] ?> </td>
               <td> <?= $row["population"] ?> </td>




# makes sure result is not false/null; else prints error
function check($result, $message) {
   if (!$result) {
      die("SQL error during $message: " . mysql_error());

# performs the given query and returns the result set, else prints error
function do_query($query) {
   # connect to database
   check(mysql_connect("localhost", "traveler", "packmybags"), "mysql_connect");
   check(mysql_select_db("world"), "mysql_select_db");

   # search database for the biggest cities
   $results = mysql_query($query);
   check($results, "mysql_query(\"$query\")");
   return $results;

4. Languages of Continents

Write a page that allows you to view all of the languages spoken on a given continent. You can view the finished product here. The user can select a continent from a drop down list, and a table of all of the languages spoken on that continent appears, along with the country where that language is spoken.

This page will require a MySQL query involving two tables in the countries database on webster.cs.washington.edu. You must find all of the countries for a given continent by using the countries table, and then find all of the languages for each of these countries using the languages table. Use the JOIN MySQL keyword to achieve this.

problem by Alex Miller



<!DOCTYPE html>
       <title>Languages of Continents</title>
       <form action="">
            <select name="continent" />
                <option value="Asia">Asia</option>
                <option value="Africa">Africa</option>
                <option value="Europe">Europe</option>
                <option value="North America">North America</option>
                <option value="South America">South America</option>
            <input type="submit" />
        <hr />
        if (isset($_GET["continent"])) {
            $continent = $_GET["continent"];
            <h1>Languages spoken in <?= $continent ?></h1>
            $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "traveler", "packmybags");
            $results = mysql_query("SELECT name,language FROM countries JOIN languages ON countries.code = languages.country_code WHERE continent='$continent'");
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($results);
            while ($row) {
                   <td><?= $row["name"] ?></td>
                   <td><?= $row["language"] ?></td>
                $row = mysql_fetch_array($results);


1. world Database

  1. SELECT language, percentage
    FROM languages
    WHERE country_code = 'USA'
    ORDER BY percentage DESC;
  2. SELECT language, percentage
    FROM languages
    WHERE country_code = 'USA'
    ORDER BY percentage DESC;
  3. SELECT country_code, language
    FROM languages
    WHERE percentage = 100
    AND language = 'English';
  4. SELECT name 
    FROM countries
    WHERE continent = 'Antarctica';
  5. SELECT name, life_expectancy
    FROM countries
    WHERE life_expectancy >= 78
    ORDER BY life_expectancy DESC;
  6. SELECT DISTINCT continent, region
    FROM countries
    ORDER BY continent, region;
  7. SELECT name, independence_year
    FROM countries
    WHERE independence_year < 0;
  8. SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE name = local_name
    ORDER BY name;
  9. SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE name LIKE '%Republic%';
  10. SELECT DISTINCT name, government_form
    FROM countries
    WHERE government_form LIKE '%monarchy%'
    ORDER BY government_form, name;
  11. SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE continent != 'Africa';
  12. SELECT continent, name
    FROM countries
    WHERE continent IN ('Europe', 'Oceania', 'Antarctica')
    ORDER BY continent, name;
  13. SELECT name, gnp
    FROM countries
    WHERE gnp BETWEEN 10000 AND 50000;
  14. SELECT name
    FROM countries
    WHERE name LIKE 'A%' OR name LIKE 'B%';
  15. SELECT name, population, surface_area,
         population / surface_area as population_density
    FROM countries
    ORDER BY population_density DESC;
  16. SELECT c.name
    FROM countries c
    JOIN languages l on l.country_code = c.code
    WHERE l.language = 'English' AND l.official = 'T';
  17. SELECT DISTINCT c.name
    FROM countries c
    JOIN cities ci1 ON ci1.country_code = c.code
    JOIN cities ci2 ON ci2.country_code = c.code
    WHERE ci1.id < ci2.id AND ci1.population >= 5000000 AND ci2.population >= 5000000;

2. simpsons Database

  1. SELECT grade 
    FROM grades 
    WHERE grade <= 'B-';
  2. SELECT g.grade
    FROM grades g
    JOIN courses c ON c.id = g.course_id
    WHERE c.name = 'Computer Science 143';
  3. SELECT DISTINCT s.name, g.grade
    FROM students s
    JOIN grades g ON g.student_id = s.id
    JOIN courses c ON c.id = g.course_id
    WHERE c.name = 'Computer Science 143' AND g.grade <= 'B-';
  4. SELECT s.name, c.name, g.grade
    FROM students s
    JOIN grades g ON g.student_id = s.id
    JOIN courses c ON c.id = g.course_id
    WHERE g.grade <= 'B-'
    ORDER BY s.name;
    FROM courses c
    JOIN grades g1 ON g1.course_id = c.id
    JOIN students s1 ON g1.student_id = s1.id
    JOIN grades g2 ON g2.course_id = c.id
    JOIN students s2 ON g2.student_id = s2.id
    WHERE s1.id < s2.id;

3. City Searcher:


<!DOCTYPE html>
   CSE 190M, Spring 2009, Marty Stepp
   Section 9: Queries

     <title>City Searcher</title>
     <link href="cities.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

         <img src="banner.gif" alt="City Searcher" />

         Choose a country, and we will show you its largest cities.

      <form action="response.php">
         <select name="countrycode">

            $results = do_query("SELECT name, code FROM countries ORDER BY name;");
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {

               <option value="<?= $row['code'] ?>"> <?= $row['name'] ?> </option>



         <select name="count">
            <option value="3">top 3</option>
            <option value="5">top 5</option>
            <option value="10">top 10</option>
         <input type="submit" />



# check for query params
if (!isset($_REQUEST["countrycode"])) {
   header("HTTP/1.1 400 Illegal Request");
   die("Error: no country code specified");
if (!isset($_REQUEST["count"])) {
   header("HTTP/1.1 400 Illegal Request");
   die("Error: no count specified");

$country_code = $_REQUEST["countrycode"];
$count = (int) $_REQUEST["count"];

$query = "SELECT name, population
          FROM cities
          WHERE country_code = '$country_code'
          ORDER BY population DESC
          LIMIT $count;";
$results = do_query($query);

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>City Searcher - Results</title>
     <link href="cities.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

      <h1> Top <?= $count ?> Biggest Cities </h1>
            <th>City</th> <th>Population</th>
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {

               <td> <?= $row["name"] ?> </td>
               <td> <?= $row["population"] ?> </td>




# makes sure result is not false/null; else prints error
function check($result, $message) {
   if (!$result) {
      die("SQL error during $message: " . mysql_error());

# performs the given query and returns the result set, else prints error
function do_query($query) {
   # connect to database
   check(mysql_connect("localhost", "traveler", "packmybags"), "mysql_connect");
   check(mysql_select_db("world"), "mysql_select_db");

   # search database for the biggest cities
   $results = mysql_query($query);
   check($results, "mysql_query(\"$query\")");
   return $results;

4. Languages of Continents


<!DOCTYPE html>
       <title>Languages of Continents</title>
       <form action="">
            <select name="continent" />
                <option value="Asia">Asia</option>
                <option value="Africa">Africa</option>
                <option value="Europe">Europe</option>
                <option value="North America">North America</option>
                <option value="South America">South America</option>
            <input type="submit" />
        <hr />
        if (isset($_GET["continent"])) {
            $continent = $_GET["continent"];
            <h1>Languages spoken in <?= $continent ?></h1>
            $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "traveler", "packmybags");
            $results = mysql_query("SELECT name,language FROM countries JOIN languages ON countries.code = languages.country_code WHERE continent='$continent'");
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($results);
            while ($row) {
                   <td><?= $row["name"] ?></td>
                   <td><?= $row["language"] ?></td>
                $row = mysql_fetch_array($results);
[an error occurred while processing this directive]