Pages to compare
(choose an image)
HW9 initial appearance
HW9 Lisa (female)
HW9 Zelda (female)
HW9 Donald (male)
HW9 Ethel (female)
HW9 Stephanie (female)
HW9 Morgan (male)
HW9 Morgan (female)
HW9 Taylor (male)
HW9 Taylor (female)
HW9 Aaliyah (male)
HW9 Aaron (male), Searching...
HW7 fifteen.html, initial appearance
HW7 after shuffling
HW6 ascii.html, initial appearance
HW6 ascii.html w/ Exercise, Large font
HW6 ascii.html w/ Exercise, Medium font, animating
HW6 ascii.html w/ Juggler, XXL font, Slo-mo checked, animating
HW6 ascii.html w/ Bike, Tiny font
HW5 initial appearance
HW5 Kevin Spacey (all)
HW5 Kevin Spacey (w/ Kevin Bacon)
HW5 Tom Cruise (all)
HW5 Tom Cruise (w/ Kevin Bacon)
HW5 Julia Roberts
HW5 Julia Roberts (w/ Kevin Bacon)
HW5 William Shatner (all)
HW5 William Shatner (w/ Kevin Bacon)
HW5 GU pearce (approximate first-name match)
HW5 Stuart Reges
HW5 Scott 'Carrot Top' Thompson (all)
HW5 Scott 'Carrot Top' Thompson (all)
HW4 home (provided)
HW4 matches.php initial state
HW4 matches-submit.php result for Bjarne Stroustroup
HW4 matches-submit.php result for Lara Croft
HW4 matches-submit.php result for Leeloo
HW4 matches-submit.php result for Stewie Griffin
HW4 signup.php initial state
HW4 signup-submit.php form for Elaine Benes
HW4 signup-submit.php result for Elaine Benes (after form is submitted)
HW4 matches-submit.php result for Elaine Benes (after she has signed up)
HW4 validation, error when signup.php is sent bad data
HW4 extra #1 photos, signup.php form
HW4 extra #1 photos, matches-submit.php result for Bjarne Stroustroup
HW4 extra #2 gay/lesbian/bi, signup.php form
HW4 extra #2 gay/lesbian/bi, matches-submit.php result for Nostalgia Critic
HW4 extra #2 gay/lesbian/bi, matches-submit.php result for Rosie O Donnell
HW4 extra #2 gay/lesbian/bi, matches-submit.php result for Stuart Reges
HW3 Princess Bride
HW3 Mortal Kombat
HW2 expected output
HW2 expected output, with extra features
HW1 expected output
HW1 expected output, with extra features
Blend Both
Your Page
Your UW NetID
Shift by:
Dummy element to test media queries.