Using jQuery Basics

Why Choose jQuery?

all about the $

There are several options for using jquery


Using jQuery Basics

Selecting Dom Objects using $

Pass the $ function CSS style selectors to serch for things. What is returned is an jquery style array thingy filled with jQuery objects.

Finding by id
Precede id name with # Example: $('#special')
Finding by class
Precede id name with . Example:$('.navbutton')
Finding by tag
Just pass tag type Example: $('img')
Finding by complex css selection
Just pass css selector Example: $('div.imgholder p:nth-child(2)')
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Using jQuery Basics

Setting Style properties

When you have a jQuery object you use.css to set the style of that object. You don't have to relearn css just use the styles as written.

Assume: var $par = $('p');

Setting a single css property
Use: obj.css("css property", "setting")
Example:$par.css("background-color", "blue");
Setting multiple css properties using javascript object
	cssProperty : "setting",
	cssProperty2 : "setting2",

	"background-color" : "blue",
	"font-family" : "sans-serif",
	"font-weight" : "bold"
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Using jQuery Basics

Setting attributes

Simple as pie useing .attr() function.

Assume: var $img = $('img');

Setting a single attribute
Example: $img.attr("src", "snowflake.jpg");
Setting multiple attributes at the same time using javascript object
	"src" : "snowflake.jpg",
	"alt" : "snow is falling",
	"title" : "I love snowflakes"
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Using jQuery Basics

Creating objects

All about the $ function. Surround the tag name with < and >. $ all the things

Create a single dom object
Example: var img = $("<img>");
Create a single dom object with attributes built in by passing an javascript object with parameters for the attributes.
var img = $('<img>', {
	"src" : "snowflake.jpg",
	"alt" : "snow is falling",
	"title" : "I love snowflakes"
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Using jQuery Basics

Removing Objects with Style

Use the .remove() method.

remove a dom object.
Example: $("#bestName").remove();
Use a callback function to fade and then remove item. .fadeOut( [duration] [, callback] )
Example: $('p').fadeOut('slow', function() { $(this).remove(); })
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