Final Exam Grading 12sp

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[edit] Exam

[edit] Question 1 (HTML/CSS Tracing)

[edit] Q1 Solution

Final 12sp q1 key.png

[edit] Q1 Criteria

25 points total

Each of the following categories is atomic (all-or-nothing); if they make any mistake in that area, mark off all of the points for that area.

  • 3 alignment: one/two text is close to right edge of enclosing div (and other text is not right-aligned)
  • 2 background color: both of one/two divs are colored (and nothing else is colored)
  • 4 borders: -2 for each of the categories below that is not perfect:
    • dashed border around four/three/one+two areas;
    • dashed around one/two inner divs;
    • solid border around paragraphs;
    • solid border around last line of 'four'
    • (and no borders around anything else on the page)
  • 1 br and inline content: line break between each line of two/three/four; otherwise N copies on Nth line
  • 4 float: one/two/three/four divs are floated properly
    • -2 for wrong order (all floated to right but in reverse order)
    • -2 if p tag does not clear
  • 3 margin: 1em margin on all sides of one/two divs, outside the border, AND no margin between four/three/one-two areas, bottom paragraph
  • 2 padding: all divs have 1em padding on all sides, inside the border (if they don't have borders so you can't tell, then -2)
  • 3 underline: two/two text is underlined (and no other text is underlined)
  • 3 width: each div is just wide enough to fit its content; width of paragraphs extends across entire page. (Do not take off if effed up for non floating)

other deductions

  • -1 point each for any other minor misc. stuff they do wrong that isn't listed above


[edit] Question 2 (PHP)

[edit] Q2 Solution

<!-- order.php -->
<form action="order-submit.php" method="post">
    Food item:
    <select name="food">
      <?php foreach (glob("*.jpg") as $image) { ?>
        <option> <?= str_replace(".jpg", "", $image) ?> </option>
      <?php } ?>
  <div> Quantity: <input type="text" name="quantity" size="2" /> </div>
  <div> <input type="submit" value="Order" /> </div>
# order-submit.php
if (!isset($_POST["food"]) || !isset($_POST["quantity"])) {
  header("HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid Request");

$food = $_POST["food"];
$quantity = $_POST["quantity"];
$found = FALSE;
foreach (file("inventory.txt") as $line) {
  list($item, $number, $price) = explode("\t", $line);      # list() is optional
  if ($item == $food && $number >= $quantity) {
    $total = $quantity * $price;
    <p>Order successful!  $<?= $total ?> is your total price.  Here is what you ordered:
    for ($i = 0; $i < $quantity; $i++) {
      <img src="<?= $food ?>.jpg" alt="food" />
    $found = TRUE;
    break;           # optional

if (!$found) {
  <p>Sorry, we don't have <?= $quantity ?> of '<?= $food ?>' in stock.</p>

[edit] Q2 Criteria

25 points total

  • 8 order.php HTML form
    • 2 <form action="order-submit.php" method="post"> (all must be perfect)
    • 1 submit button and quantity text box
      • -1 if they forget size="2" (maxlength=2 is okay)
    • 4 select / options / glob
      • -2 if they don't properly remove '.jpg' from each image's name (basename() does not work)
      • -3 blanket deduction if form controls don't have 'name' attribute (having 'id' is fine, but still must have 'name')
    • 1 appearance, otherwise correct, etc.
      • <br/> instead of divs is okay
      • stuff that would fail the W3C validator but works is okay

  • 3 order-submit.php query params
    • 1 $_POST params are read/used properly ($_REQUEST is okay; $_GET is not)
    • 2 HTTP 400 error when params are not set (must use isset, header, and die / no output)
  • 5 order-submit.php file I/O
    • 2 attempt: evidence of line-based and token-based approach (explode or preg_split)
    • 3 correct: finds the food item, matches against query parameter, and uses/stores its info
  • 5 order-submit.php successful case, HTML output
    • 2 computes/outputs total cost properly
    • 3 outputs the right image, $quantity times
      • -1 for any minor output formatting issue like forgetting 'quotes' or $ around number, punctuation, etc.
  • 4 order-submit.php not enough inventory case
    • 3 correctly determines whether to print the success or failure output
      (properly checks quantity available in file; falls through to error case at end properly, etc.)
    • 1 prints special "don't have it in stock" message
    • -1 for any minor output formatting issue like forgetting 'quotes' or $ around number, punctuation, '.jpg', etc.

  • other deductions
    • -1 if they use print/echo
    • -1 for each misc. minor incorrect PHP syntax, if it is clear what they meant (e.g. str.length(), split(), OO syntax, document.getElementById, forgetting $ sign on variable, etc.)


[edit] Question 3 (JS/DOM)

[edit] Q3 Solution

                                                // "use strict"; is fine but not required
window.onload = function() {                    // document.observe(...  is okay
    $("find").onclick = findClick;              // .observe("click"...   is okay

function findClick() {
    $("palindromes").innerHTML = "";
    var words = $("phrase").value.split(" ");   // $F("phrase").split(" ");
    var count = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
        if (lengthOkay(words[i]) && isPalindrome(words[i])) {
            var li = document.createElement("li");
            li.innerHTML = words[i];                   // textContent is okay
            if (count % 2 == 0) {
       = "#cccccc";
    $("count").innerHTML = count + " total palindrome(s).";   // count == $$("#palindromes li").length

function isPalindrome(s) {
    s = s.toLowerCase();
    for (var i = 0; i < s.length / 2; i++) {                 // loop up to length-1 is okay (slower but not wrong)
        if (s[i] != s[s.length - 1 - i]) { return false; }   // charAt is okay
    return true;   // return s == s.split("").reverse().join("");

function lengthOkay(s) {
    return (!$("min").value || s.length >= $("min").value) &&    // parseInt okay but not needed
           (!$("max").value || s.length <= $("max").value);

[edit] Q3 Criteria

25 points total

  • 2 window onload: attaches click handler perfectly (*.observe is okay)
  • 2 splits phrase into words and loops over them properly
    • 2 attempt, 2 correct; -1 for small error such as OBOB
    • it is possible to split the words using indexOf(" ") and substring, but it's hard and they probably will mess it up
  • 8 finding palindromes: correct test/function to see whether a word is a palindrome
    • 2 attempt (good approaches: looping from both ends; trying to reverse string; using a stack/array)
    • 3 correct (ignoring case sensitivity issues)
      • -4 if they pretend that strings have a 'reverse' method (they don't)
      • -1 for each small error such as OBOB
    • 3 case insensitivity handled perfectly
      (must lower/uppercase before palindrome test, AND must still use original word case when inserting li)
  • 4 counting palindromes
    • 2 keeps correct count of palindromes; injects into $('count') div
    • 2 colors even-numbered palindromes with #CCCCCC or #CC0000 background-color (setting bg to "gray" is okay)
      • -2 if they set the odd-numbered ones rather than the even ones
      • -2 if they set ".foo" rather than ""
  • 5 min/max
    • 2 respects min/max properly when present
    • 3 ignores min/max properly when absent (tests for truthy/falsey value)
  • 4 DOM: li for each palindrome
    • 2 creates li DOM and puts text into it; puts onto page in proper DOM place ($('palindromes').appendChild)
    • 2 works for multiple clicks; clears previous text properly (sets output.innerHTML = "" or removes children)

  • other deductions
    • -1 for misc. invalid JavaScript (e.g. explode, count, $_REQUEST, preg_split, etc.)


[edit] Question 4 (SQL)

[edit] Q4 Solution

-- all directors who have made >= 2 movies across >= 2 genres --
SELECT DISTINCT, d.first_name, d.last_name FROM directors d
JOIN movies_directors md1 ON md1.director_id =
JOIN movies_genres mg1 ON mg1.movie_id = md1.movie_id
JOIN movies_directors md2 ON md2.director_id =
JOIN movies_genres mg2 ON mg2.movie_id = md2.movie_id
WHERE mg1.genre <> mg2.genre AND mg1.movie_id <> mg2.movie_id
ORDER BY d.last_name, d.first_name;
-- all directors who have made >= 2 movies across >= 2 genres (includes movies table unnecessarily) --
SELECT DISTINCT, dir.last_name, dir.first_name
FROM   directors dir
JOIN   movies_directors md1 ON md1.director_id =
JOIN   movies m1 ON = md1.movie_id
JOIN   movies_genres mg1 ON mg1.movie_id =
JOIN   movies_directors md2 ON md2.director_id =
JOIN   movies m2 ON = md2.movie_id
JOIN   movies_genres mg2 ON mg2.movie_id =
WHERE <> AND mg1.genre <> mg2.genre
ORDER BY dir.last_name, dir.first_name;

[edit] Q4 Criteria

25 points total

  • 3 SELECT director id, last/first name
    • -3 if not DISTINCT id
    • -1 for first/last rather than last/first
  • 3 JOIN mechanics: joined on IDs properly at each link; doesn't skip any steps in a chain
    • -3 if any table(s) are joined by something other than IDs (e.g. on first/last name, on genre)
  • 8 JOIN choice of tables to join together
    • -8 if they don't have two movies_directors tables and two movies_genres tables
    • -2 for each extra table added unnecessarily, other than movies
    • joining to movies table is okay (doesn't break the query) but is not necessary
    • OK to use "FROM table1, table2, ... WHERE a AND b AND c..." syntax if it's right
  • 8 WHERE
    • -4 if they forget to demand two distinct movies (forgot to compare md1.movie_id with md2.movie_id)
    • -4 if they forget to demand two distinct genres (forgot to compare mg1.genre with mg2.genre)
    • -3 if they compare using < or > for both tests (need to use <> or !=)
    • -2 for each extra incorrect constraint if it screws up the query; -0 if it doesn't
  • 3 ORDER BY last name, first name
    • OK to write ASC; -3 for DESC or DESCENDING; -1 for ASCENDING
    • -2 for 'SORT BY' or just 'BY'

  • other deductions
    • -1 for surrounding their SQL with any PHP code
    • -3 for each piece of advanced SQL syntax not taught in class (GROUP BY, HAVING, LEFT INNER JOIN, nested query, etc.)