Final Exam Grading 10su
From CSE190M-Admin
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[edit] Part 1A: Thursday in Lab
[edit] Question 1 (HTML/CSS Tracing)
15 points total
- 2 block vs. inline: hello/goodbye words stack vertically, and happy/sad words stack horizontally
- 2 background colors: hello/goodbye div, Sunday div (and not elsewhere)
- 1 italic em text: Happy, Sad, SUNDAY (and not elsewhere)
- 1 underline: SUNDAY is underlined (and not elsewhere)
- 2 borders: dashed on happy/sad div; dotted on all the bottom floating divs (and not elsewhere)
- 1 padding on all divs (with background/border inside it)
- 1 margins: all bottom divs have 1em margin on all sides (outside the border)
- 6 floating (bottom section divs)
- 2 all divs float to the proper sides
- the Sunday div doesn't need to be lower than the others; that's just an artifact of the default margin on the <p> tag in it.
- 2 correct L/R order (Sunday is left of Mon/Tue/Wed)
- 2 each div's width is 5em (approximate); words stack vertically because of narrow width
- 2 all divs float to the proper sides
- -1 point each for any other minor misc. stuff they do wrong that isn't listed above
[edit] Question 2 (HTML/CSS Coding)
<div id="main"> <img src="brunologo.png" alt="logo" /> <div id="articles"> <ul id="links"> <li><a href="home.html">HOME</a></li> <li><a href="vids/">VIDEOS</a></li> <li><a href="shirt.html">FUNNY SHIRTS</a></li> <li><a href="trailer.html">BRUNO MOVIE TRAILER</a></li> <li><a href="photos/">PHOTOS</a></li> <li><a href="http/:/">DVD SHOP</a></li> </ul> <div class="story"> <img src="brunouniversal.jpg" alt="Bruno at Universal" /> <h2>Universal Responds to Lawsuit</h2> <p>Movie studio Universal Pictures on Friday responded to a ...</p> </div> <div class="story"> <img src="paulaabdul.jpg" alt="Paula Abdul" /> <h2>Paula Abdul Talks About Being in Bruno</h2> <p>Paula Abdul accepted an invite last year to receive an ...</p> </div> <div class="story"> <img src="eminem.jpg" alt="Eminem" /> <h2>Eminem Admits He Was Involved</h2> <p>Three days after storming out of the MTV awards, Eminem ...</p> </div> </div> </div>
body { #links li { background-color: #0088EE; display: inline; font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; } padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em; #main { } width: 85%; margin-left: auto; .story { margin-right: auto; clear: right; } overflow: hidden; margin: 1em; #articles { } background-color: white; border: 3px solid #005588; .story img { } float: right; } #links { list-style-type: none; text-align: center; }
15 points total
- 2 colors
- body - background-color #0088EE
- #articles - background-color white
- 2 fonts
- body - font-family sans-serif
- #links - font-weight bold (strong tags in HTML are OK)
- 3 #links
- 2 display inline
- 1 padding 1em on both L/R sides
- 5 divs/spans
- 1 #articles div to hold the set of all stories (background-color white, border #005588)
- 2 #main div to hold the stories-div plus header image (width 85%, auto margins; NOT text-align center)
- 2 .story div for each individual story (overflow hidden; margin 1em)
- 3 images, floating (1 attempt, 2 correct)
- images float to right (NOT abs/fixed position)
- story div clears the float
- special deductions
- -2 if they try to add any other tags/attributes (id, class, etc.)
- -2 class/id confusion in their CSS syntax (# vs .)
[edit] Question 3 (JS/DOM)
window.onload = function() { $("compute").observe("click", computeClick); $("clear").observe("click", clearClick); }; function computeClick() { var earned = 0; var earnedInputs = $$(".earned"); for (var i = 0; i < earnedInputs.length; i++) { earned += parseInt(earnedInputs[i].value); } var max = 0; var maxInputs = $$(".max"); for (var i = 0; i < maxInputs.length; i++) { max += parseInt(maxInputs[i].value); } var percent = Math.round(100 * earned / max); if ($("curve").checked) { percent = Math.min(100, percent + 5); } var newDiv = $(document.createElement("div")); newDiv.innerHTML = percent; if (percent >= 60) { newDiv.className = "pass"; } else { newDiv.className = "fail"; } $("resultsarea").appendChild(newDiv); } function clearClick() { var inputs = $$("input"); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { inputs[i].value = ""; } }
15 points total
- 2 window onload (1 attempt, 1 perfect) - attaches onclick handlers
- 4 computing the percentage
- 2 $$ and cumulative sums properly
- 2 parseInt and Math.round
- 3 curve (1 attempt; 2 perfect)
- must detect properly (box .checked); must cap at 100 points
- 4 div for each percentage
- 2 creates and puts proper text into it (percentage); puts onto page in proper place (appendChild)
- 2 CSS class (pass/fail)
- 2 clear works perfectly
[edit] Part 1B: Thursday in Lab
(coming soon)
[edit] Part 2: Friday in Lecture
(coming soon)