CSE143/CSE143X: Course Information

The Allen School is in the process of phasing out our previous two-quarter introductory programming squence of CSE142 and CSE143. They are being replaced by a three-quarter sequence described here. Although the CSE143 course will eventually go away, CSE will offer the course in fall of 2023 and spring of 2024 and the variation known as CSE143X will be offered in fall of 2023. This document describes which students might want to consider taking either CSE143 or CSE143X. You will find this advice more helpful if you first complete our self-placement tool.

Students who have taken the old CSE142 course or an equivalent course through UW in the High School or at a community college should consider taking CSE143 because it will allow them to complete the sequence as originally designed. Students with credit for AP/CS A should also consider taking CSE143 because the AP course covers all of the material from CSE142. The self-placement tool linked above might suggest starting in CSE122, but the AP course has at least a 50% overlap with CSE122. Most students with AP credit should take CSE122, as the self-placement tool suggests, but students with a particularly strong grasp of object oriented programming concepts like defining classes should consider taking CSE143 instead.

The CSE143X course provides an accelerated version of CSE122 and CSE123 for students who want to complete the sequence in one quarter. Students should use the self-placement tool to verify that they are recommended to start in CSE122. This assumes prior experience or a prior programming course, although not necessarily experience with Java. The 143X course is a good option for students who are not familiar with Java syntax or who have not mastered basic object oriented programming skills such as defining classes.

The CSE143X course will not assume any particular knowledge of Java constructs, so everything will be covered. But all of the topics will be covered at a fast pace. As a result, this course is not a good choice for students who struggle with programming even if they have prior programming experience. Students who might struggle with a fast-paced course should consider taking the regular CSE122/CSE123 sequence instead.

Both the CSE143 and CSE143X course are 5-unit courses that have lecture three times a week and section twice a week. CSE143 (lecture section 'D') will be offered in the fall with lecture MWF 11:30-12:20 and CSE143X will be offered with lecture 2:30-3:20. Both offer various options for sections on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Add codes are available upon request if needed. Contact cse143@uw.edu and be sure to specify which CSE 143 section (D or X) you wish to take..


For general questions about placement into intro courses, please write to course-placement@cs.washington.edu. For questions specifically about CSE143 and CSE143X, you may contact the instructor, Stuart Reges, at reges@cs.washington.edu.

Other questions?

Contact Pim Lustig.

Stuart Reges