CSE143/CSE143X Autumn 2020 Honors Section
This quarter we are reading The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (second edition) by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
Students must attend seven of the planned eight sections to receive credit for the seminar.
Meeting time
Wed 4:30-6:20 via zoom (email Stuart if you need the link)
Relevant Links
- Robin Dunbar on Shakespeare
- Smarties test from The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
- Card trick solution
- RSA Encryption resources
- click here to download JFLAP
- click here to see a picture of our Turing Machine
- click here to download the JFLAP file (save as palindrome.jff)
Reading assignments
10/7 | no reading |
10/14 | Prologue-Chapter 4 |
10/21 | Chapters 5-7 |
10/28 | Chapters 8-10 |
11/4 | Chapters 11-14 |
11/11 | holiday, no meeting |
11/18 | Chapters 15-17 |
11/25 | no meeting |
12/2 | Chapters 18-IV |
12/9 | Chapters V-IX |
Stuart Reges
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