Exploration Sessions: Thursdays, 4:30-5:20.

Week 6: Natural Language Processing- Thursday, December 3 from 4:30-5:30 in GUG 220

Ever wonder how Siri knows the answer to all your questions? Or how Google translate can help you out in Paris when you never bothered to learn French? Welcome to the wonderful world of Natural Language Processing! In this exploration session, we'll look at some of the problems in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.

Week 5: Industry Panel - Thursday, November 19 from 4:30-5:30 in GUG 220

Job opportunities in the technology sector are vast and varied. But what is it really like to work in a tech company? Did The Internship get it right? Join our industry panel today, where we will get to meet and hear from representatives of Facebook, Tableau, Microsoft, and the UW CSE Graduate Program.

Week 4: Algorithmic Art - Thursday, November 12 from 4:30-5:30 in JHN 102

It's no secret that computers can be used to create digital art (see any recent Hollywood blockbuster filled with CGI). But what happens if you let the computer generate art for you? In this exploration session, we'll learn about how algorithms can be used to create unique visual art.

Week 3: Binary - Thursday, October 29 from 4:30-5:30 in JHN 102

Computers can only understand binary, but we write in Java, a programming language that looks a lot like English. This week we'll talk about how computers represent different types of data, complex information, and instructions with just 1s and 0s.

Week 2: Cellular Automata - Thursday, October 22 from 4:30-5:30 in JHN 102

Some label the field of cellular automata as "recreational science". As Alex will discuss, a cellular automaton is no more than a strange sort of game. However, these games turn out to have extraordinary implications in many fields, and some think they can explain the nature of the universe! You will take a close look at some interesting cellular automata and discover why mathematicians and computer scientists are so obsessed with them.

Week 1: Broad history of computer science: From Aristotle to Turing - Thursday, October 15 from 4:30-5:30 in JHN 102