Due: Friday, 1/21 by 11:59 credit
Extra Credit
There are a few opportunities to earn small amounts of extra credit throughout the quarter. The extra credit can affect your grade by potentially pushing you up to the next grade point if you are very close (e.g. 3.0 to 3.1). They are meant to be fun extensions rather than required parts of the course. Our advice is to complete extra credit for your own learning or review, but it is unlikely to be an efficient use of your time if you are completing it solely to boost your grade.
Post a short video on the message board introducing yourself (details of where to post below). In the video, you should say your name, your pronouns, and three things about yourself to let everyone know who you are! Ideally, the video will show your face and you talking since the whole point of this exercise is to remind everyone that there are actually humans in this class! 😊
Your video doesn’t need to be anything fancy; you can even just record it with your phone! We aren’t expecting any kind of perfection from these videos, so it’s totally fine if you pause or correct yourself; just be yourself!
The easiest thing is to immediately upload the video file in your response on the Ed discussion board. You could also upload it to a website like Youtube/Dropbox/Google Drive and share the link on the message board. You can see an example of what a video response looks like by checking out Hunter’s intro video.
To keep things a little easier on our end, we will make a mega-thread on the Ed discussion board for each quiz section. You should post your video in the thread for the appropriate section. You can always verify which section you are in by checking MyUW.
Here are the links for the different threads:
All the sections’ mega-threads are public to those on the discussion board (just students and course staff). We recommend you spend some time learning a bit about the other students in the class by watching their videos! 😊