CSE 143 Grading Policy

The grading policy in CSE 143 will be based on two main factors: functionality (how well your program works) and software engineering (how well your program is constructed).


The main goal of programming is to create a working program. However, working is generally an extremely vague term, since it all depends on what the program is supposed to do.

In many cases, the programs that we assign you will be underspecified -- that is, we won't tell you exactly how they should work. Instead, we'll try give you a pretty good idea of what we expect it to do, leaving decisions about how to handle tricky or ambiguous cases up to you. In this way, you'll turn our partial specification into an exact specification.

For example, a partial specification might ask you to write a program that draws mazes on the screen, without telling you exactly what input you should get from the user or what kind of maze to make. You might decide to draw rectangular mazes with ASCII characters and prompt the user for a maze size in terms of characters (see below). In addition, you might detail the way in which the maze should be constructed. In making these decisions, you've created a more exact specification -- something that explains more precisely how your program should run.

How big would you like your maze to be? (rows x columns)

> 4 x 9

Here is your maze:

Start  _ ___ __|
       | | | | |
       |___|____  End

Although there is rarely a single, correct way to handle ambiguities in a partial specification, be sure that your full specification is in the spirit of the partial specification. For example, writing a program that always generated "mazes" of the following form probably isn't what we had in mind:

How long would you like your maze to be? (columns)

> 9

Here is your maze:

Start  _________  End

The bottom line is that in order to know if your program is working, you have to decide what it's supposed to do. Therefore, your first step should be to define a full specification. You'll sometimes be asked to submit a full specification with your program (in the comments or a cover sheet, for example) so that we know what your specific goals and choices were. This should not be a long document, but a short, clear description of the program's expected behavior, highlighting how it handles ambiguous cases. By all means, feel free to discuss your specification choices with the TAs.

Once you've finished writing the program, you should demonstrate to yourself and us that it works by running it on some test cases. Generally, we'll supply you with a few test cases that will test aspects of your program. If your program works on our test cases, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's correct and you're done! Make sure to write a few test cases of your own to check some of those ambiguous cases that your full specification describes, and use these to demonstrate to us that your program works as you specified.

Software Engineering

Software engineering is all about how a program is put together -- it involves the division of the program into separate, logical modules; defining reasonable interfaces between these modules; and commenting your code so that it's clear to others (like your TA!) what it does.

Remember that based on the stereo analogy, the programs that we're looking for are built of multiple modules interacting through clean, well-defined interfaces. We're not looking for the single monolithic piece of code that has everything thrown into it without any sense of order -- that technique might have some benefits in the stereo world, but they rarely do in software.

To this extent, you will be graded on how well your program is constructed, in addition to how well it works. Did you comment so that it's clear what your design was? Did you make reasonable decisions as to how the code should be organized and interface between modules? Etc.

All of these things may seem like a pain, or may seem less important than "getting the program working," but they are essential in any programming environment -- whether it's a group project for a course, or a huge Microsoft application. As programs grow larger and evolve over time, their initial structure will often determine how easy they are to maintain, debug, and improve. As backwards as it seems, a program that is well structured and documented, but doesn't quite work (comment reading: I think the problem is somewhere in this routine), is often more impressive than one that works but is completely indecipherable. Strive for the best of both.

Other Questions?

If you are still unclear on what we're looking for, please consult with your TA.
