// ******************************************************** // Excerpts from the implementation file TableB.cpp. // Binary search tree implementation. // ******************************************************** #include "TableB.h" // header file void tableClass::TableInsert(const tableItemType& NewItem, bool& Success) { BST.SearchTreeInsert(NewItem, Success); if (Success) ++Size; } // end TableInsert void tableClass::TableDelete(keyType SearchKey, bool& Success) { BST.SearchTreeDelete(SearchKey, Success); if (Success) --Size; } // end TableDelete void tableClass::TableRetrieve(keyType SearchKey, tableItemType& TableItem, bool& Success) const { BST.SearchTreeRetrieve(SearchKey, TableItem, Success); } // end TableRetrieve void tableClass::TraverseTable(functionType Visit) { BST.InorderTraverse(Visit); } // end TraverseTable // End of implementation file.