CSE/ENGR 143: Summer 1999

The CSE/ENGR 143 Crew 

Instructors Teaching Assistants
Lab Consultants Instructional Technologist
CSE 143 staff  
Weekly schedule at a glance  


Office hours 
Jonathan Aldrich Sieg 226C cse143-instructor@cs.washington.edu Wed 2:20-3:20, Fri 10-11


Teaching Assistants

Back: Jonathan Aldrich, Daniel Parshall, Eric Youngblut

Front: Bina Shukla, Shuichi Koga

For section times and locations, see the Weekly Schedule.  All TA office hours are in Sieg 226a/b unless otherwise noted

Name Section e-mail Office hours and locations
Shuichi Koga AA, AC skoga@cs.washington.edu Mondays, 11:30-12:30
Fridays, 2:30-3:30
Daniel Parshall AD, AE parsh@cs.washington.edu Wednesdays, 10:50 - 11:50
Bina Shukla AB bina@cs.washington.edu Tuesdays, 4:00- 5:00
Eric Youngblut (head TA) (head TA) yngblut@cs.washington.edu Tuesdays, 12:00-1:00
Thursdays, 12:00-1:00



Name Mail
Michael Dougherty mdougher@cs.washington.edu
Tony Faizal tfaizal@u.washington.edu


Instructional Technologist

Photo of Dan Boren Daniel Boren 
