::= ::= |
::= Tokyo | Neil Armstrong | Issac Asimov | Bernie Sanders | Morgan Freeman | OJ Simpson | Vasselheim | Harry Potter | Qingfeng Wu | Garfield | India | Washington | Miku | Batman | Indonesia | Thanos | China | New York | Oklahoma | Sam Wilson | Kansas City | The Seahawks | Dog the Bounty Hunter | Mogadishu | Hawaii | Olympia | Obama | Makenna | Pepperidge Farm | The Enterprise | William Afton | Vietnam | Michael | Ouagadougou | Stuart Reges | Marty Stepp | Djibouti | Cao Cao | Germany | Candi Borobudur | Munich | Danny "The Cheesecake Assassin" Mitchell | Wilson | The Taj Mahal | Bellevue | Hokkaido | Ludwig Ahgren | Mars | Johnny Bravo
::= the | a | some ::= tricycle | sine wave diagram | pencil | bunny | turnip | science | ock | bear | apple | fungus | flip flop | sticker | whale | headphones | keys | donut | keyboard | van | soccer | pen | computer | cat | molecule | building | soda | shield | microphone | warrior | road | football | paper | glasses | cow | bout | rover | blanket | child | crumb | possum | stencil | toaster | alien | sussy baka | table | calculator | banana | guitar | mouse ::= | | ::= coded | helped | confined | shattered | bit | conquered | ate | programmed | threw | learned | made | created | punched | liked | forgot | consumed | enjoyed | splashed | drank | vaporized | annihilated | romanced | exhumed | closed | reached | watched | baited | caught ::= succeeded | danced | swam | ran | wept | rode | cried | flew | disappointed | went | sussed | escaped | jumped | galloped | won | lived ::= tired | silly | supercalifragilisticexpialidocious | interesting | decrepid | fluffy | laborious | beautiful | furry | surprising | sussy | inspirational | cold | abysmal | smelly | annoying | hairy | blue | depressing | intelligent | remarkable | curious | watery | bumpy | thrilling | green | great | hazardous | fascinating | fast | throbbing | best | slow | elaborate | amiable | extaordinary | wacky | boring | obese | tinky | large | blank | tantalizing | extreme | vivid | eccentric ::= | ::= peacefully | powerfully | smoothly | dejectedly | kindly | lethargically | quietly | nervously | swiftly | alone | hastily | scantily | cunningly | bizarrely | cautiously | sensually | craftily | closely | smartly | heavily | gently | abnormally | sussily | infringingly | carelessly | purposefully | terribly | brutally | frankly | legally | painfully | creatively | scientifically | messily | quickly | savagely | carefully | excruciatingly | efficiently | doubtfully | quietly | tactically | precisely | delicately | hungrily | clumsily | stealthily