Please keep in mind that Hunter is constantly updating this page. It should accurately describe the past, but it won't always accurately predict the future.
Lecture recordings can be found through Panopto on Canvas. We recommend that you treat the recordings as a supplement to going to lecture (or if you have to miss one day) rather than using the recordings as a replacement to going to lecture.
Readings marked as required (Req) are meant to be read after lecture that day and before the next lecture. Readings marked as supplementary (Sup) are listed if you need them, but are not necessary to read if you feel like you understood the material from lecture that day. The PracticeIt problems linked on the calendar are problems Hunter thinks you should be able to work on after lecture and the readings for that day; if you find that you aren't able to solve the problems, that is a good sign you should be going to section to get more practice but in a more structured learning environment.
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri |