Lists (16.2)
Below is an example of a method that could be added to the LinkedIntList class to compute the sum of the list: public
int sum() { int sum = 0; ListNode
current = front; while
(current != null) { sum +=; current =; } return
sum; } |
Math Methods (3.2) mathematical operations
construct a rectangular array with 4 rows and 6 columns:
data = new int[4][6];
construct a jagged array with different numbers of columns in each row (3 rows that have 2, 3, and 5 columns):
data = new int[3][];
= new int[2];
= new int[3];
= new int[5];
Example values:
data |
entire array |
data[2] |
row 2 |
data[2][3] |
value in row 2 and column 3 |
data.length |
number of rows |
data[2].length |
number of columns in row 2 |
hasNext() |
returns true if there are more elements to be read from collection |
next() |
reads and returns the next element from the collection |
remove() |
removes the last element returned by next from the collection |
add(value) |
appends value at end of list |
add(index, value) |
inserts given value at given index, shifting subsequent values right |
clear() |
removes all elements of the list |
indexOf(value) |
returns first index where given value is found in list (-1 if not found) |
get(index) |
returns the value at given index |
remove(index) |
removes/returns value at given index, shifting subsequent values left |
set(index, value) |
replaces value at given index with given value |
size() |
returns the number of elements in list |
isEmpty() |
returns true if the listŐs size is 0 |
addAll(collection) |
adds all elements from the given collection to the end of the list |
contains(value) |
returns true if the given value is found somewhere in this list |
remove(value) |
finds and removes the given value from this list |
removeAll(list) |
removes any elements found in the given collection from this list |
iterator() |
returns an object used to examine the contents of the list |
add(value) |
adds the given value to the set |
contains(value) |
returns true if the given value is found in the set |
remove(value) |
removes the given value from the set |
clear() |
removes all elements of the set |
size() |
returns the number of elements in the set |
isEmpty() |
returns true if the set's size is 0 |
addAll(collection) |
adds all elements from the given collection to the set |
containsAll(collection) |
returns true if set contains every element from given collection |
removeAll(collection) |
removes any elements found in the given collection from this set |
retainAll(collection) |
removes any elements not found in the given collection from this set |
iterator() |
returns an object used to examine the contents of the set |
put(key, value) |
adds a mapping from the given key to the given value |
get(key) |
returns the value mapped to the given key (null if none) |
containsKey(key) |
returns true if the map contains a mapping for the given key |
remove(key) |
removes any existing mapping for the given key |
clear() |
removes all key/value pairs from the map |
size() |
returns the number of key/value pairs in the map |
isEmpty() |
returns true if the map's size is 0 |
keySet() |
returns a Set of all keys in the map |
values() |
returns a Collection of all values in the map |
putAll(map) |
adds all key/value pairs from the given map to this map |
Point(x, y) |
constructs a new point with given x/y coordinates |
Point() |
constructs a new point with coordinates (0, 0) |
getX() |
returns the x-coordinate of this point |
getY() |
returns the y-coordinate of this point |
equals(other) |
returns true if this Point stores the same x/y values as the other |
translate(dx, dy) |
translates the coordinates by the given amount |
length() |
returns the number of characters in the string |
charAt(index) |
returns thecharacter at a specific index |
compareTo(other) |
returns how this string compares to the other |
equals(other) |
returns true if this string equals the other |
toUpperCase() |
returns a new string with all uppercase letters |
toLowerCase() |
returns a new string with all lowercase letters |
startsWith(other) |
returns true if this string starts with the given text |
substring(start, stop) |
returns a new string composed of character from start index (inclusive) to stop index (exclusive) |
List<E> |
ArrayList<E> and LinkedList<E> |
Set<E> |
HashSet<E> and TreeSet<E> (values ordered) |
Map<K, V> |
HashMap<K, V> and TreeMap<K, V> (keys ordered) |