Andrew -> maps to -> [Christopher, Sarah] Ashley -> maps to -> [Christopher, Emily, Jessica, Joshua] Bart -> maps to -> [Lisa, Matthew] Christopher -> maps to -> [Andrew, Ashley, Jacob, Michael, Sarah] Connor -> maps to -> [Jacob] Emily -> maps to -> [Ashley, Joshua, Sarah] Jacob -> maps to -> [Christopher, Connor] Jessica -> maps to -> [Ashley, Michael] JorEl -> maps to -> [KalEl, Zod] Joshua -> maps to -> [Ashley, Emily, Michael] KalEl -> maps to -> [JorEl] Kyle -> maps to -> [Lex, Tyler, Zod] Lex -> maps to -> [Kyle] Lisa -> maps to -> [Bart, Marge, Matthew] Marge -> maps to -> [Lisa] Matthew -> maps to -> [Bart, Lisa, Samantha] Michael -> maps to -> [Christopher, Jessica, Joshua] Samantha -> maps to -> [Matthew, Tyler] Sarah -> maps to -> [Andrew, Christopher, Emily] Tyler -> maps to -> [Kyle, Samantha] Zod -> maps to -> [JorEl, Kyle]