// Zorah Fung, CSE 143 // Prompts the user for two names and prints how distant of friends they are. // This version fixes a couple of bugs. import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class Friends { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { // How to model friendships? // Map: person -> their friends // key: person's name (String) // value: collection of friends (Set) // why set? all values must be unique; order doesn't matter; // contains, add, get should be fast Map> friends = buildFriendMap("friends.dot"); Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("First person? "); String name1 = console.next(); System.out.print("Second person? "); String name2 = console.next(); printLevelsBetween(name1, name2, friends); } // Builds a map of friendships based on a file with the specified name. // pre: a file named filename exists and is in valid Graphviz format public static Map> buildFriendMap(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException { Scanner input = new Scanner(new File(filename)); Map> friends = new TreeMap>(); while (input.hasNextLine()) { String line = input.nextLine(); if (line.contains("--")) { Scanner lineData = new Scanner(line); String name1 = lineData.next(); lineData.next(); // skip "--" String name2 = lineData.next(); // friendships are symmetrical addTo(friends, name1, name2); addTo(friends, name2, name1); } } return friends; } // prints the friends at each level separating friend1 and friend2 in the // specified friendship graph. // pre: friends contains friend1 public static void printLevelsBetween(String friend1, String friend2, Map> friends) { Set currentFriends = new TreeSet(); int level = 0; currentFriends.add(friend1); // keeps track of people we have already explored Set explored = new HashSet(); while (!currentFriends.isEmpty() && !currentFriends.contains(friend2)) { level++; explored.addAll(currentFriends); // build the next level in a temporary set Set nextLevel = new TreeSet(); for (String friend : currentFriends) { nextLevel.addAll(friends.get(friend)); } nextLevel.removeAll(explored); currentFriends = nextLevel; System.out.println("\tDistance " + level + ": " + currentFriends); } if (!currentFriends.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(friend2 + " is " + level + " away from " + friend1); } else { System.out.println(friend2 + " is not connected to " + friend1); } } // Adds name2 to name1's set of friends in the friends map. public static void addTo(Map> friends, String name1, String name2) { if (!friends.containsKey(name1)) { friends.put(name1, new TreeSet()); } Set name1Friends = friends.get(name1); name1Friends.add(name2); } }