Our textbook for CSE 143 this quarter will be the following (this is the same textbook that was used in CSE 142):
Reges/Stepp. Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach, 3rd edition. 978-0133360905
This book was written specifically for this course and makes a valuable supplement to the lecture presentations.
The book may also be available on course reserve at the UW Engineering Library. If the book is not available on reserve, please contact the instructor.
If you are going to buy the textbook, please make sure to buy the 3rd or 4th edition. The older versions of the book do not contain all of the content from the correct course textbook.
A small number of copies of our textbook may be available from the Engineering library or the Odegaard library on campus. You might be able to check them out for short periods to work on problems, but this may not be a reliable strategy long-term as your only access to a textbook. See the following links:
We have written a web application called Practice-It that allows you to write solutions to lots of our Java practice problems. You can type in your solution and submit it to the server to be tested. You will receive feedback about whether your code succeeds or fails.
New copies of the textbook come with an access code to watch "Video Notes." These videos supplement the lecture and book material by walking through more examples in detail. You can access the video notes at the Pearson VideoNotes web site.