Exploration Sessions: Thursdays, 2:30-3:20 in room CSE 403.
Throughout the quarter, we will offer optional opportunities to explore extra topics in Computer Science with one of our TAs.
Attending these sessions will not affect your grade but they will be a good way to learn about how the course material
connects to the larger world of Computer Science and Information Technology.
Session 5: Python - August 6th from 2:30-3:20 in CSE 403
Python is an example of functional programming, somewhat different than the object-oriented programming that the 142/143 classes have been focusing on with Java. 142 TA Andrew is going to show off some of the differences between Python and Java, and talk about modern applications of Python.
Session 4: Javascript and Events - July 30th from 2:30-3:20 in CSE 403
Have you ever wondered how web pages can change and react as you use the site? In this week's exploration session, TA Austin Weale will introduce the popular web programming language, Javascript. We will take a look at how programming based on user input changes the way we code, and introduce basic HTML.
Session 3: Binary - July 23rd from 2:30-3:20 in CSE 403
Computers can only understand binary, but we write Java, a prgramming language that looks a lot like english. This week, TA Rasika Bhalerao will talk about how computers represent complex information and instructions with just 1s and 0s.
Session 2: Cryptography - July 16th from 2:30-3:20 in CSE 403
How do we protect the information that we share on and over the web? In this week's Exploration Session, TA Varun Mahadevan will speak about encryption and the math that underlies it. We'll see how some properties of prime numbers and the mod operator enable secure communication, via public key encryption.
Session 1: HTML and CSS - July 9th from 2:30-3:20 in CSE 403
Ever wondered exactly what goes into building websites? Remember using <b> and <i> to style your MySpace pages back in the day? There is a lot more to it than that, and in this session, Andrew Blackwood, a 142 TA, will talk about how HTML and CSS make up the content and style of webpages.