We have written several scripts (just like your homework!) that will act as the Assassin Manager:
To protect your privacy, we will not show your real name or UW NetID to anyone. The only info that will be shown is your photo, if a person knows your assassin code-name and types it into our web application. Only one player, the person targeting you, will be told your code name.)The game begins at 8am on Monday, April 27, and continues until any one of the following events occurs:
Participants can be assassinated only on weekdays and only between the hours of 8am and 6pm. Participants also cannot be assassinated on university holidays. To avoid causing undue stress, the date of our midterm exam is also considered a "safe" day in which no one may be killed.
Your goal during the game is to find and assassinate the target you are stalking. You are allowed to assassinate only the person you are currently stalking. When you are being stalked, your only option is to try to escape, except for the special case when only two players are left.
To assassinate your target, you must put a post-it note somewhere on their person and then say the phrase, "You're dead," or, "You've been assassinated!" The key is to first attach the post-it note and then say the phrase.
When you assassinate an individual, you should ask that person to write the code-name of their target on your post-it note. This becomes your next target. You also must fill out the killed form here to update the state of the game.
When the game gets down to just two people, it may be difficult to determine who wins. They might both make contact at more or less the same time. In that case, the person who first finishes saying the phrase will win the game.
The following campus locations are considered "safe zones" for the game at certain times specified below. No player can be killed inside a safe zone.
At all times you are required to treat other game participants with respect and to behave in a manner that does not jeopardize their safety and comfort. For example, punching or tackling your opponent or slicing them with a sword are forms of making contact, but obviously you are not allowed to do things like this in our game. Drenching your target in water would also be unacceptable. Once you have made contact and said the phrase, you should sever contact. You should also obey the law and university regulations while playing the game. You may not sneak into someone's dorm or residence illegally to assassinate them.
There will be at least one prize awarded. If only one player remains at the end of the game, that person will receive the prize. If multiple players are still alive, the person who assassinates the most targets will be considered the winner.
Post any disputes as a private post on piazza for arbitration.
If these rules need to be amended in any way, the instructor will make an announcement in class and post it to the class newsgroup. So please pay attention in case some new rule is instituted.