handout #34
CSE143—Computer Programming II
Programming Assignment #8 (bonus)
due: Thursday, 5/31/12, 9 pm
There is an extra credit option
for this assignment that is worth a measly 2 points. In other words, this isn’t intended as an
opportunity for you to increase your grade.
It is intended as an extra coding exercise for those who are interested
in exploring how to make their Huffman program behave better. There will be no partial credit.
If you do the extra credit
option, you are still required to complete the standard HuffmanTree
and to submit it along with your HuffmanNode. So if you work on this, do
so only after you have completed the standard assignment. To keep things clear, for this part of the
assignment you should create a class called HuffmanTree2. You can copy your HuffmanTree
class and modify it appropriately to get the initial version of this class.
The main goal of this variation
is to eliminate the code file. When you
use a utility like zip, you don’t expect it to produce two output files (a code
file and a binary file). You expect it
to produce one file. That’s what we’ll
do in this variation. To do so, we’ll
have to be able to include information in the binary file about the tree and
its structure.
In the original version we had three
programs: MakeCode, Encode and Decode. For this version there are two main programs:
Encode2 and Decode2.
In all, you will have to include the following three
new methods in your class along with the other methods we had in HuffmanTree:
Method |
Description |
HuffmanTree2(BitInputStream input) |
Constructs a Huffman tree from the given input stream. Assumes that the standard bit representation has been used for the tree. |
void assign(String[] codes) |
Assigns codes for each character of the tree. Assumes the array has null values before the method is called. Fills in a String for each character in the tree indicating its code. |
void writeHeader(BitOutputStream output) |
Writes the current tree to the output stream using the standard bit representation. |
In the original HuffmanTree we had a method called write that would write
the codes to an output file. Here the
Encode2 program does the actual encoding.
It first reads the file and computes the frequencies. Then it calls your constructor to create an
appropriate HuffmanTree. It has to have some way to find out what
codes your tree has come up with so that it can encode the characters of the
file. It does so by calling the assign
method in your class passing it an array of Strings that are all null. Your method
will replace the null’s with codes for the characters
included in the tree.
The Encode2 program also calls
the method writeHeader in your class. The idea is to write to the bit stream a
representation of the tree that can be used to reconstruct it later. As we did with the QuestionTree
in assignment 7, we can print the tree using a preorder traversal. For a branch node, we write a 0 indicating
that it is a branch. We don’t need to
write anything more, because the branch nodes contain no data. For a leaf node, we will write a 1. Then we need to write the ASCII value of the
character stored at this leaf. There are
many ways to do this. We basically need
to write some bits that can be read later to reconstruct the character
value. The value will require up to 9
bits to write (it would be 8 if it weren’t for our pseudo-eof
We need to decide on a convention
for writing an integer in 9 bits that we can reverse later when we read it back
in. Below are the two methods you should
use to accomplish this. They are
inverses of each other in that read9 will recreate what write9 writes to the
// pre : 0 <= n < 512
// post: writes a 9-bit representation of n to the
given output stream
private void write9(BitOutputStream output, int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
% 2);
n /= 2;
// pre : an integer n has
been encoded using write9 or its equivalent
// post: reads 9 bits to reconstruct the original
private int read9(BitInputStream input) {
int multiplier = 1;
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
sum += multiplier * input.readBit();
multiplier *= 2;
return sum;
You should use read9/write9 for
input and output of the character (ASCII) values. Obviously when you are handling the 0 or 1 to
indicate branch versus leaf, you can use readBit/writeBit.
Encode2 produces a binary file
that first has a header with information about the tree and then has the
individual codes for the characters of the file. The Decode2 program has to use this
information to reconstruct the original file.
It begins by calling the constructor listed in the table above, asking
your class to read the header information and reconstruct the tree. Once the tree has been reconstructed, the
program calls your decode method from the original assignment to reproduce the
original file.
A collection of files necessary
for this part of the assignment will be available called ass8-bonus.zip. It will include Encode2.java, Decode2.java, a
starter version of HuffmanTree2.java that includes read9 and write9, and
examples of encoded input files called short.bonus
and hamlet.bonus.
Encode2 should produce exactly the same output when used with your
version of HuffmanTree2. There will be a
separate turn-in for the bonus in which you submit HuffmanNode.java and
HuffmanTree2.java (you shouldn’t need to make any changes to your node class
for the bonus, but it will be easier for us to grade if you submit both when
you turn it in).