// CSE 143, Winter 2010, Marty Stepp // Homework 4: Affection // // Instructor-provided support class. You should not modify this code! /** Each AffectionNode object represents a single node in a linked list for a game of Affection. */ public class AffectionNode { public String name; // this person's name public String kisser; // name of who kissed this person (null if alive) public AffectionNode next; // next node in the list (null if none) /** Constructs a new node to store the given name and no next node. */ public AffectionNode(String name) { this(name, null); } /** Constructs a new node to store the given name and a reference to the given next node. */ public AffectionNode(String name, AffectionNode next) { this.name = name; this.kisser = null; this.next = next; } }