CSE 143, Project 1C Turnin Form

Help for first time users.

1. Who are you?


1b. Did you work with a partner?

Yes, I worked with a partner
No, I didn't work with a partner

If yes:

2. Which system/compiler did you use?


Where did you work? Mary Gates Hall first-floor lab (CRC)
Mary Gates Hall Introductory Programming Lab (IPL)
Elsewhere on campus
Operating System: If "Other", specify:
Platform: If "Other", specify:

3. How are we doing?

(These will not affect your grade. We just want some statistics on how things are going.)

How long did you spend on this assignment: (Please use hours, for example .75 instead of 45 minutes.)

On a scale of 1 to 5, was this assignment:

General Comments? In particular, if we give such an assignment in the future, can you suggest ways we could improve it?

4. Give Us Your Program.


Please select the files that make up your project. They will be written to our disk and compiled using the same file names that you use. Simply leave any unneeded slots blank. If you have more than 15 files, please create an archive of all your files and turn that in using the zip/jar/tar file option further down the page.

Tab Setting: file1.java
Tab Setting: file2.java
Tab Setting: file3.java
Tab Setting: file4.java
Tab Setting: file5.java
Tab Setting: file6.java
Tab Setting: file7.java
Tab Setting: file8.java
Tab Setting: file9.java
Tab Setting: file10.java
Tab Setting: file11.java
Tab Setting: file12.java
Tab Setting: file13.java
Tab Setting: file14.java
Tab Setting: file15.java


Turn in a single zip, jar or tar file containing your files. Leave this empty if you turned in the files above. If you turn in a file here, any files entered above will be ignored. Be sure that your archive file unpacks into the files that make up your project and not into a folder containing those files, which would cause the compiler to fail when it tries to compile them.

Your zip, jar or tar file:
Tab Setting:

5. Press the TURN-IN button when you are ready.

Examine the receipt page you will see after clicking "TURN IN" to be sure that no syntax errors were detected in your program. If errors were reported, you should fix them and turn in your assignment again. For your records, you may wish to print or save a copy of your final receipt.

If there is no response immediately, please try to be patient for a few minutes. If you want to back out and try again, hit the Stop botton on the tool bar; please don't press the TURN IN button again until you've done this.

If there are errors, you'll be told, and you can turn-in again. You can turn in as many times as you wish; only the last turn-in will be graded. Previous turn-ins are not graded.