CSE 143
Winter 2000

Day by Day Activity Schedule

A tentative calendar of lecture topics, textbook readings, and exam times follows. Note that it is subject to change, and all changes will be made available here. Only the most earth-shaking changes will also be announced in lecture and/or section.

Assignments will generally be due in the middle of the week with electronic turnin deadlines Wednesday evening and paper turnin receipts due in section the following morning.  The due dates shown here are tentative and are likely to change as assignments are developed.

The fourth column indicates the chapters/sections of the required textbook that are relevant to the lecture material. Students are expected to have read the textbook before attending class.

Subject to change. Last revised 2/28/00. 

Wk Day Date Topic Reading/Due Dates
1 M 1/3 Overview/Intro to C++ Appendix A
  W 1/5 Overview/Intro to C++ Appendix A; HW0 due
  F 1/7 Modules & Source Files Ch. 1
2 M 1/10 ADTs and Classes pp 125-144 (skim example), App. A
  W 1/12 Constructors & overloading Ch 8, pp 377-381 HW1 due
  F 1/14 List class w/array implementation  
3 M 1/17 No Class - MLK Holiday  
  W 1/19 Stream I/O; intro to storage allocation App. A, pp A11-A15, A38-A50 HW2 due
  F 1/21 Pointers & Dynamic Memory. Ch 4, pp. 148-157, 172-177
4 M 1/24 Classes w/Dynamic Memory  
  W 1/26 Classes w/Dynamic Memory; deep vs shallow copy  
  Th 1/27 Midterm exam in sections  
  F 1/28 Dynamic memory, concl.; const Ch. 1, Ch. 8
5 M 1/31 Classes & Inheritance  
  W 2/2 Classes & Inheritance  
  F 2/4 Classes & Inheritance; dynamic dispatch  
6 M 2/7 Object-Oriented design; Overloading, overriding, and scope review  
  W 2/9 Recursion Ch. 5; HW3 due
  F 2/11 Linked Lists Ch 4, Ch 6, pp. 265-271
7 M 2/14 Classes (vector) w/Linked Lists  
  W 2/16 Stacks Ch. 3
  Th 2/17 Midterm exam in sections  
  F 2/18 Queues and simulation Ch 3
8 M 2/21 No Class - Presidents' Day  
  W 2/23 ADTs and Container Classes; begin efficiency Ch 3; HW4 due
  F 2/25 Efficiency, O( ) Notation Ch 9, pp. 390-401
9 M 2/28 Sorting & Searching Ch 9, pp. 402-432
  W 3/1 Trees Ch. 10; HW5, part I due
  F 3/3 Binary Search Trees  
10 M 3/6 Internet plumbing  
  W 3/8 Hash tables & other containers HW5, part II due
  F 3/10 Something interesting  
  M 3/13 Finals Week  
  Tuesday 3/14 Final Exam 2:30 pm, location TBA  
  W 3/15    
  Th 3/16