CSE 143, Quiz 7 20 Jul 2000 name ____________________________________________ student number _______________ section _______________ This quiz is closed book, closed notes. You have six minutes. Write your answers neatly on this page. 1. For each of the following pairs, choose whether the items have an "is-a kind of" or "has-a" relationship. You may simply write "is-a" or "has-a" to indicate your answer in the blanks. bank account __________ balance | dictionary __________ reference | bug __________ creature | dictionary __________ definition 2. True or False: _____ Inheritance is used to express a has-a relationship. _____ The line below indicates Bar is a base class of Foo: class Foo : public Bar { _____ Private members of a base class cannot be referenced in a derived class' method definition. _____ Overriding a method entails defining a method whose name matches that of another method in the same class, but whose parameter list is different. ...................................................................... 1. bank account has a balance bug is a creature dictionary is a reference (i.e. reference book, tool) dictionary has a definition 2. __F__ Inheritance is used to express a has-a relationship. [It's used to express an "is-a kind of" relationship.] __T__ The line below indicates Bar is a base class of Foo: class Foo : public Bar { __T__ Private members of a base class cannot be referenced in a derived class' method definition. __F__ Overriding a method entails defining a method whose name matches that of another method in the same class, but whose parameter list is different. [What's described here is overloading, not overriding.]