CSE 143, Quiz 6 20 Jul 2000 name ____________________________________________ student number _______________ section _______________ This quiz is closed book, closed notes. You have six minutes. Write your answers neatly on this page. 1. Show the stack that results if the operations below are performed on an empty int stack. Make sure to label the top and bottom of your stack diagram. IntStack s; Draw your stack diagram below: s.push(4); s.push(-2); int t1 = s.top(); s.push(11); s.push(9); int p1 = s.pop(); int t2 = s.top(); s.push(-3); 2. Convert the arithmetic expression below from infix to postfix form. (note: Do *not* evaluate the expression.) -2 * (4 * 13 + 7) ................................................................................ 1. (bottom) 4 -2 11 -3 (top) 2. (more than one correct answer) 4 13 * 7 + -2 * -2 4 13 * 7 + * -2 7 4 13 * + *