CSE 143, Quiz 5 18 Jul 2000 name ____________________________________________ student number _______________ section _______________ This quiz is closed book, closed notes. You have six minutes. Write your answers neatly on this page. As in the lecture slides, assume that class Vector has all of the following defined: default constructor, copy constructor, operator=, and destructor. For each line, identify which of the above is called or write "none": void quizFunction() { // 1 ___________________________________ Vector v1; // 2 ___________________________________ Vector *vp = new Vector; // 3 ___________________________________ Vector v3 = v1; // 4 ___________________________________ v1 = *vp; // 5 ___________________________________ } // 6 ___________________________________ ................................................................................ 1. none 2. default constructor 3. default constructor 4. copy constructor 5. operator= 6. destructor