CSE 143, Summer 2000 Quiz 1 //// CSE143 Quiz, 6/29/00 ////////////////////////////////////////// // Your name: ________________ Section: __ #include //class declaration here (if any) // non-class function prototypes here (if any) void main () { //local variables here (if any) //DIRECTIONS: Below are 5 lines making up a main function. For this program //to compile, the programmer would need to write a number of variable declarations, //function prototypes, and/or class declarations. //Rather than writing out all of that needed stuff directly, study each //line below and answer the True/False questions by circling T or F: InventoryData myInventory("c:\\factorydata.txt"); // T/F 1.This implies there is a class called myInventory price = myInventory.getPrice("umbrellas"); // T/F 2.From this we can deduce that the class has at least one public method quantity = myInventory.getHowMany("umbrellas"); // T/F 3. quantity must be the name of a member variable of a class oFile << "value is " << totalvalue(price, quantity, 'A'); // T/F 4.oFile, like cout, is a reserved word in C++ // T/F 5.This line illustrates a use of the "extraction" operator // T/F 6.totalvalue here is a method of a class oFile.close(); // T/F 7. Closing an output file is not required by C++, but not doing so // may result in data being lost. } //If you finish early, start filling in the missing pieces of the program.