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Trees and maps

Just as linked lists and dynamic arrays are convenient implementations of the idea of a "vector"/"list" ADT, so we can regard trees as a convenient implementation of the map ADT.

In mathematical terms, a map (as the term is commonly used in computer science) is a partial function whose domain is a set of keys and whose range is a set of values. The idea behind this function is that it "maps" each key onto a unique value.

In pseudocode, the following interface defines the important map operations:

class Map { // Insert/"associate" a given value for the given key. void insert(KeyType key, ValueType value); // Returns true if the given key exists in the map bool contains(KeyType key); // Retrieve the value associated with the given key. // Precondition: contains(key) is true ValueType find(KeyType key); // Remove the pointer to the value associated with // the given key. Returns the value removed. // Precondition: contains(key) is true ValueType remove(KeyType key); };

Common uses for maps are as dictionaries (in fact, you will often hear the "dictionary" ADT used as a synonym for "map"). Sometimes maps are called "associative arrays", because it is natural to subscript maps as you might subscript an array:

ValueType& operator[](KeyType key) { return find(key); }

The implementation of a map as a tree should be fairly obvious: simply store the value pointer and key in the node, and sort on the key. However, other implementations are possible:

Last modified: Tue Aug 15 10:17:18 PDT 2000