CSE 143 - Section AA

CSE 143 Summer 2000 >> Section AA

Homework 5 Fireworks Gallery

section notes

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:40 to 10:40 am
Loew 217

Vocabulary lists, topic outlines, example code, and additional materials from section will be posted here shortly after each section. Not all materials here will have been presented in section; some of it, I couldn't get to, others are just presented as related and supplementary.

your humble servant

Ken Yasuhara
yasuhara@u.washington.edu, yasuhara@cs.washington.edu
office hours: Wednesdays, 9:30 am, Sieg 226a or by appointment

Hey, whaddaya know! It's the amazing...

mailing list archive

Messages specific to our section are sent to the e-mail list cse143-section-aa and are archived here. You are welcome to contact your classmates through this list.

Please make sure you are also subscribed to the main course mailing list, cse143-announce. (See "Email addresses, discussion groups" link on the course web.)

Most of the e-mail I send is useful to the class as a whole, so it often goes to the full course list:

Last modified: Sat Aug 19 17:32:09 PDT 2000