Figure 15.8 Driver Function to Test Class Complex // // Driver for Complex -- equivalent to driver of Fig. 11.10 // #include "complex.h" int main() { Complex com1, com2; // Gets two complex numbers cout << "Enter the real and imaginary parts of a complex number\n"; cout << "separated by a space> "; cin >> com1; cout << "Enter a second complex number> "; cin >> com2; // Forms and displays the sum cout << "\n" << com1 << " + " << com2 << " = " << (com1 + com2); // Forms and displays the difference cout << "\n\n" << com1 << " - " << com2 << " = " << (com1 - com2); //Forms and displays the absolute value of the first number cout << "\n\n|" << com1 << "| = " << com1.abs() << "\n"; return (0); }