Figure 3.24 Testing Function scale /* * Tests function scale. */ #include /* Function prototype */ double scale(double x, int n); int main(void) { double num_1; int num_2; /* Get values for num_1 and num_2 */ printf("Enter a real number> "); scanf("%lf", &num_1); printf("Enter an integer> "); scanf("%d", &num_2); /* Call scale and display result. */ printf("Result of call to function scale is %f\n", scale(num_1, num_2)); actual arguments return (0); } information flow double scale(double x, int n) formal parameters { double scale_factor; /* local variable - 10 to power n */ scale_factor = pow(10, n); return (x * scale_factor); } Enter a real number> 2.5 Enter an integer> -2 Result of call to function scale is 0.025