Using GP142 With The Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler

Instructions For Building The GP142 Demo

For VC++ 1.52 users:

  1. Goto the Project menu, select Open. The file dialog pops up.
  2. Choose the directory where you run the self-extracting archive and select gp142.mak in the File Name box. Click Okay.
  3. Goto the Project menu, choose Rebuild All.
  4. This should generate the gp142.exe.
    Notice: Do not open gp142.mak from the File/Open menu.
    Ignore all warnings during the build process.

For VC++ 2.0 users:

  1. Goto the File menu, choose Open.
  2. Choose the directory where you run the self-extracting archive and select gp142.mak in the File Name box. Make sure the Open As box has the default Auto setting.
  3. Goto the Project menu, select Rebuild All.
  4. This should generate the gp142.exe.
    Notice: Ignore all warnings during the build process.

For VC++ 4.0 users:

  1. Goto the File menu, choose Open WorkSpace.
  2. Choose the directory where you run the self-extracting archive.
  3. In the "List Files of Type" box, choose Makefiles(*.mak).
  4. Select gp142.mak in the File Name box. Click Ok.
  5. You will be asked a number of questions by Visual C++. This is because GP142.mak is generated by VC++ 2.0. Reply Yes to all the questions, including replacing the existing makefile.
  6. Goto the Build menu and choose Rebuild All.
  7. This should generate gp142.exe.
    Notice: Do not open gp142.mak from File/Open.
    If you plan to use VC 4.0 at school and VC 2.0 at home, do not overwrite the gp142.mak during step5. Save the new makefile under a different name.

You have now successfully created a GP142 project and executable. Congratulations! (Last Update: 07/15/96)