CSE/ENGR 142/143

Summer 1999

Combined Tentative Homework Schedule

CSE/ENGR 142 in green

CSE 143 in blue

(subject to revision.) Expect changes to be made in this schedule.  In case of a conflict between information here and information given elsewhere, IGNORE the information here.  Many homeworks have intermediate dues dates as well, not shown here.

Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 June 21:   June 23:   June 25:

HW0(A) due

2 June 28: HW0(B) due
HW1 due
  June 30:   July 2: HW1 due
3 July 5: NO CLASS   July 7: HW2 due   July 9: HW2 due
4 July 12:


  July 14:
HW3 due
  July 16:

HW3 due

5 July 19   July 21: Midterm Exam - 142
HW4 due
  July 23:Midterm Exam - 143
6 July 26:   July 28:
HW5 due
  July 30: HW4 due
7 August 2
HW6 due
  August 4:   August 6:
8 August 9:   Aust 11:   August 13: HW5 due
9 August 16: 
HW7 due
  August 18:   August 20:
Final Exam - 142
Final Exam - 143