The following critters were selected to be most "entertaining." AndysHuskyPopcorn was among the top 12 precontest winners and was selected as the most entertaining. Hoplite BorisHusky Beans Spartan All four were among the top 12 precontest winners. Below are the 16 quarter finalists in order from highest to lowest total for the precontest rounds: Beans HenshawHusky Hoplite Spartan HuskyAzita RickAstley Husky1 Funky AstleyHusky SSSHuhuhusky HuskyJelly BorisHusky GoschHusky HuskyMeow Husky2 AnhHusky The diagram below shows the series of qualifying rounds that we had leading to the final four winners. +------------------------+ | Hoplite #2 | | Funky +------------------------+ | SSSHuhuhusky #1 | Hoplite | | LongoHusky | SSSHuhuhusky #2 | +------------------------+ | | HenshawHusky #2 | HenshawHusky #1 | | BaranovHusky #1 | BaranovHusky +------------------------+ | BorisHusky +------------------------+ SSSHuhuhusky #4 | | HuskyMeow | | HenshawHusky #2 | +------------------------+ | | | Beans #1 | | Beans #1 | | HuskyAzita #2 +------------------------+ RickAstley #3 | | AstleyHusky | Beans #1 +------------------------+ | AnhHusky | HuskyAzita | +------------------------+ | | Spartan #1 | Spartan | | RickAstley #2 | RickAstley #2 | | HuskyJelly +------------------------+ | GoschHusky | +------------------------+ The four finalists each got to pick a prize along with Hoplite which won as most entertaining critter from the following: * Goedel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter * Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future by John MacCormick * loaded dice (always roll 6's) * a Rubiks cube * a Soma cube (puzzle) * a drinking bird (almost perpetual motion)