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General Style Deductions

Students in CSE142 are expected to demonstrate good programming style in their programming assignment solutions. Every programming assignment will describe specific style requirements and expectations that students should keep in mind when writing their solutions. This page lists general style issues that are likely to be relevant to multiple assignments. This list includes common style mistakes but does not list every possible style mistake.

TAs provide feedback on graded programming assignments and sometimes give a "-0" warning to indicate a style issue that is not being penalized but might be in a future assignment. The list below indicates general style issues that may not be graded as "-0". Programming assignments are listed in reverse order because once a style issue is included for one programming assignment, it is included for all future assignments. The list is not meant to be exhaustive, although it includes the most common style issues. Students should not ask about the details of style grading on the message board, but can ask their TA or a TA at the IPL to explain any of these style categories.

note: in the below list, "e.g." should be read as "for example" and "i.e." should be read as "in other words"