Welcome to YazInterpreter! You may interpret a YazLang program and output the results to a file or view a previously interpreted YazLang program. (I)nterpret .yzy program, (V)iew .yzy output, (Q)uit? I Input file name: input.yzy File not found. Try again: interpret.txt File not found. Try again: interpret.yzy Output file name: interpret-out.txt YazLang interpreted and output to a file! (I)nterpret .yzy program, (V)iew .yzy output, (Q)uit? View (I)nterpret .yzy program, (V)iew .yzy output, (Q)uit? vi (I)nterpret .yzy program, (V)iew .yzy output, (Q)uit? v Input file name: interpret-out.txt -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 39F gucci ganggucci ganggucci ganggucci ganggucci ganggucci ganggucci gang 11C humuhumunukunukuapua'a 5 12 19 26 33 24F (I)nterpret .yzy program, (V)iew .yzy output, (Q)uit? q