// Miya Natsuhara // 06-26-2019 // CSE142 // TA: Grace Hopper // This program will print out two diamonds, and then an X. /* DEVELOPMENT NOTES: ((Note: this is not something you should include in your own programs; this is included here to aid in your understanding and to provide additional context for the program.)) In this version, we added static methods, one for each figure in the output. This improved the structure of our program, making main a better summary of the overall program and containing only high-level details. We've also reduced some redundancy in our program by calling the drawDiamond() method twice, rather than repeating repeating all of the printlns to print out the two diamonds in the output. */ public class Figure2 { public static void main(String[] args) { drawDiamond(); drawDiamond(); drawX(); } public static void drawDiamond() { System.out.println(" /\\"); System.out.println(" / \\"); System.out.println("/ \\"); System.out.println("\\ /"); System.out.println(" \\ /"); System.out.println(" \\/"); System.out.println(); } public static void drawX() { System.out.println("\\ /"); System.out.println(" \\ /"); System.out.println(" \\/"); System.out.println(" /\\"); System.out.println(" / \\"); System.out.println("/ \\"); } }