Honors Seminar (CSE 390HA)
Wednesdays, 4:00-5:20pm , in CSE2 G04
Instructor: Brett Wortzman (brettwo@cs.washington.edu)
This quarter, we are offering an additional seminar for students who are interested in exploring additional topics related to technology and computer science. This is a one-unit, CR/NC course that will be offered in a seminar setting. Sessions will consist of group discussions about various topics and ideas along with some activities. There will be a small amount of homework prior to each session, primarily readings or videos that will be discussed in class. Students must attend seven (7) of the nine (9) scheduled sessions and participate in all discussions and activities to receive credit.
Each week, we will discuss various topics related to computer science. While we may cover some programming topics (such as non-Java programming languages, advanced techniques, applications of CS, etc.), our sessions will mostly relate to the societal and cultural impacts of technology and CS. This course is NOT an opportunity to learn more programming, or add more "rigor" to 142, nor is any background or familiarity with computer science required. This is an opportunity to think about computer science and other related topics in a broader context.