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Regrade Policy

If you believe there was an error in the grading of your work, you may request a regrade. The purpose of regrades is not to provide a better score, but to provide a more accurate score. As a result, when a regrade is requested, the entire assignment or submission will be regraded. This can result in no change in score, or even in a reduction in score. (For example, you might get back a point on an assignment that shouldn't have been taken off but you might lose other points that should have been taken off. Or you might get points back on one exam question only to find that you should have lost points on some other exam question.)

All regrade requests must be submitted according to the procedures below; requests that do not meet these requirements will not be considered. In particular, all regrade requests should include an explanation of what you believe was graded incorrectly and why. When possible, reference specific rubric elements.

Homework, labs and exams are graded differently and so regrade requests are handled differently for each: